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June 9, 2024

Linnea Strom

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel


Q. I'm here with the champion, Linnea Strom. A remarkable day on the LPGA Tour. You've had four plus hours. What has it been like waiting to find out?

LINNEA STROM: I mean, honestly, really did not expect this waking up today. This is proof that you should never give up. Just good out there and give it your all.

It was a long wait after my round. I had a longer lunch and then I did some stretching and some warmup again.

Obviously very happy right now. I worked very hard for this. Just surreal that it's finally happening.

Q. You said you didn't know this was going to be possible when you woke up. When did you start to think I might win this?

LINNEA STROM: I mean, even after nine holes I was like, I knew the leaders weren't close to teeing off yet, so, I mean, I think I just tried to do as good as I could and I honestly didn't think I was playing for winning.

I mean, obviously always want to win in the back of your head, but I just tried to put a good score out there today and I'm very proud of how I handled myself all around today.

Yeah, just going to enjoy it.

Q. Were you watching leaderboards during that round?

LINNEA STROM: I was a little bit, but I wasn't paying too much attention to it because like I said, I knew the leaders were -- hadn't tee'd off yet.

So it's just in the back of my head I wasn't even sure what the final winning score was going to be. So it's just a tricky one when I tee off so early and you had the whole field teeing off after you.

Yeah, I'm just very happy with the day.

Q. Your father is here. What's it like to share this win with him?

LINNEA STROM: So much fun. Just thankful that he's here watching me, and to be able to win with family is just something special. And I never won on the LPGA before and I won on the Epson, both with my dad and with my mom, so it's just so fun that he's here and witnessed my first LPGA win is something special.

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