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June 9, 2024

Megan Khang

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel


Megan, thanks for spending time with us. Gallant effort today. Take us through the 18th hole.

MEGAN KHANG: I mean, pretty much we went out there, I mean, Linnea, incredible 11-under. First off, hats off to her. That's crazy out here, let alone last round.

For me, knew I was going to have to chase and didn't realize it was going to be that early on in the round, but 18 told myself give myself a good chance. Did a pretty good job. It wasn't terrible being at the back of the green, but just didn't execute my chip the way I wanted to. Funny enough, the birdie chip, gave it a pretty good run itself.

It is what it is. It's kind of hard to be upset to loss to an 11-under day.

Q. Absolutely. When you go back and you look at it and you see a 60 posted, 14-under, does that change your strategy? You're usually a pretty aggressive player.

MEGAN KHANG: Yeah, no, I mean, today it was kind of a slow start. I think for all of us it was just kind of, you know, trying to get through the first nine holes with the wind the way it was.

Fortunately I was able to walk away 2-under making the turn. You know, you have nine more holes left and under the gun, I kind of got a little more aggressive and was able to hit some shots, make so the putts.

Unfortunately not towards the end, but pretty proud of myself for the way I played today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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