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June 9, 2024

Megan Khang

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. You had basically just tee'd off and someone posted a 60 today. What does that do for the mindset or strategy going into the final day?

MEGAN KHANG: I mean, you know, I said yesterday in interview, I told you guys that we saw 10-under, and you never know what to expect out there. You asked me how far you had to be back, and apparently 7 is good spot to be.

Overall, I mean, it's very impressive what Linnea did today. To go out there and shoot 11-under and then hopefully wait around for -- I mean, Ayaka played well, too. You know, it's probably stressful on her end as well, but definitely gave myself some motivation to get out there and chase and catch up.

It's definitely tough out there with the wind the way it was on the front nine. Thankfully it kind of died down a little bit. I wouldn't say too much. I was very happy with the way I struck the ball and handled myself out there.

Q. And the mindset knowing that someone had shot a 60, you just tried to play your own game and ignore it the best you could?

MEGAN KHANG: I mean, it's hard to ignore a 60 and the lead being 14-under when you go out there and you're at an 8-under. You're already six back and that's a posted score.

So it's definitely a little tougher. I tried to stay within myself the front nine. Wasn't hitting some close shots on the front nine, but was able to have some really good lag putts.

It's tough out there with the wind, and being happy with some two-putts on the front nine. I was able to escape the front 2-under. With nine holes left I had to kick into high gear with nine holes and counting.

So was definitely happy with how I played the back nine. Little sour finish, but that's golf.

Q. Take us through the chip on 18; what were you trying to do?

MEGAN KHANG: It was a poor effort. No, there was like a little mound that I was trying to kind of kill the ball into it and just have it trickle over that little ridge to get close to the hole.

Kind of got a little more adrenaline than I would've liked; missed my spot. Wei-Ling was super nice. She asked if I wanted her to go before for my birdie chip, and in my head I'm like either way I got to try to make it, so I might as well try now.

It's tough. We practice those shots, so it's a little disappointing to not pull it off.

16 as well, it's a little sour. But I think on the day, you know, it's lessons to be learned.

Q. You almost make the chip coming back. Did you think maybe it was headed in?

MEGAN KHANG: I definitely thought so, but when it started dying out I kind of knew it was a little low. It was a good effort on my half, but just wasn't my week to win.

Q. Were the green speeds today pretty much the same as they were the first two days or rolling a little bit differently?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, the nerves start to get to you when you get close to the top, especially with the holes running out. You know, Jack and I, my caddie Jack and I, were having a good time out there and just tried to do what we did the last two days and just have some fun.

Kind of stayed in that same mentality, and for the most part did a pretty good job. Told him I was freaking out a little bit here and there, but he was able to keep me calm.

Q. How important is that when you kind of feel the adrenaline get to you a little bit? We talked about before how much you lean on Jack and he is that calming presence. How much does that help in a situation like that?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, it's huge. I think every player-caddie relationship differs slightly. At the end of the day you know your caddie is truly your one teammate out there, and to be able to rely on them and trust them and listen, it's definitely a nice feeling to know you're not alone out there in a sport that's very much an individual sport.

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