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May 26, 2024

Lorenzo Sonego

Paris, France

Press Conference

L. SONEGO/U. Humbert

6-4, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3

Q. Can you talk about how it felt like to play against a French crowd that was rooting for your opponent? Did it give you a boost of any kind, or do you like being in that position? Also, do you notice a change in Ugo Humbert's play style when French fans was rooting for him?

LORENZO SONEGO: He's number one French obviously. The crowd was really amazing today, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. Yeah, it was tough. He's a French guy, but I'm really proud of myself. I try to put every energy on court. I was really focused on my tennis, nothing about the crowd or the people outside. Yeah, I was really happy for my game.

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