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May 26, 2024

Caroline Garcia

Paris, France

Press Conference


4-6, 7-5, 6-2

(In French.)

THE MODERATOR: Good evening. Congratulations, Caroline. What changed in the third set?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Well, I found my rhythm, my pace, I started putting more pressure, advancing more, serving better. It made a difference on a few points. But I'm really happy with my mindset today.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.

Q. Congratulations, Caroline. What is your main feeling? Do you feel relieved?

CAROLINE GARCIA: No, I'm happy about my match today. It was difficult. I had to be watchful in view of her game, but I'm happy.

Q. Was there any pressure? When you start Roland Garros in front of a French public, is it always a special pressure?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Yes, of course every Grand Slam is special, in particular, the Paris tournament. I want to play each tournament as best I can. I came in well prepared, ready to start the tournament, but competition is always different.

So it depends on your emotions. Obviously I'm happy to be here. I want to have good results. Obviously it means pressure on my shoulders.

Q. What main conviction enables you to go ahead like that?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Well, out of my 12 years of career, I know that I have some good points, some points where I play well, I'm ready to go all the way. In tennis, you know, you can change the face of the game from one moment to the other. I know I will lose some matches, but it's part of tennis. I want to leave without any regrets, fighting all the way to the end.

Q. We saw that the Philippe Chatrier was not completely full. Was there some frustration for you? Did the atmosphere support you?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Yes, the atmosphere supported me and the roof was closed, so that helps. Obviously would I have liked the seats to be full? Yes, of course, but it was quite full.

The atmosphere was great in Philippe Chatrier, and my family and friends were there.

Q. Coming back to the match, do you have a feeling that at one point there was a tipping point, let's say? Maybe when you had a breakpoint and you saved it, second set?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Yes, obviously in the middle of the second set I started playing better, hitting the ball better, getting more from her than she gave me earlier.

When I broke her to get to 5-4, I was much more positive. I was advancing on the ball. My body was better. And then I got broken.

Then I remained positive. I came back, broke back, and it was important to be extremely solid and robust, and then I had the impression I had the upper hand, but then there was a break, breaking back. But it was rather positive at that time.

Q. Talking about the Olympics, I know you haven't given your decision yet, but what is going to happen in the mind of the players who are going to play here in Roland Garros with the French team? Do you think this is going to help the players try to get a medal?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Well, obviously when you play in the Olympics, the idea is to get a medal, but usually the draw is very small and very dense and you can very well lose in the first round, or aim for a medal.

For each athlete you may play in four Olympics in your life, in your career. So obviously when it's your turn, and even more when it's in your country, you give everything you have. It's a very rare occasion when you can play in the Olympics in your country. But I know we will have a lot of support and the French athletes will want to have good results and do their best. But will we get the medals? I'm not sure. This is sports, competition. Everybody is going to fight, but let's hope it gives us wings.

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