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May 26, 2024

Katerina Siniakova

Paris, France

Press Conference


7-5, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations for today. It was a really close match. How do you feel in the tie-break?

KATERINA SINIAKOVA: Definitely close match. I'm really happy I'm through. I think it was tough one. She played really well, and I was little bit finding my rhythm, but I'm happy I'm through.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What do you think about Dalma's play style because in the first set and also in the second she started to play hard tennis. She led 4-1. What was the turning point then?

KATERINA SINIAKOVA: I think definitely it was a good match, and she was playing really well, and she didn't really do a lot of mistakes, and I had to dig deep, but I think in the end I was trying to play more aggressive, a little bit more go for it.

Yeah, it definitely helped me that I had set up, and in the second set I was just trying to go for it more than waiting for my opportunities. I think that kind of helped me.

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