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May 26, 2024

Alexandre Muller

Paris, France

Press Conference

A. MULLER/L. Nardi

6-4, 6-1, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What emotions are you feeling winning this first match in Roland Garros? It's probably a very special time for you?

ALEXANDRE MULLER: Yes, there's a win in the U.S. Open, but this is my first win here in Roland, and it really makes me happy to win with my family watching and the audience have been on fire since the beginning of the qualifications. So, yes, it's my first win in Roland, and I'm delighted.

Q. So this atmosphere right from the beginning of the match, yes, of course, people were joking about Luca Nardi. Did you really come into your own thanks to this atmosphere?

ALEXANDRE MULLER: Yes. Well, I was expecting that since the first match of the qualifications. There's a blue stand for the French supporters who come, and they really set the court on fire for the French players' matches. Yes, I really used their support today to give me some energy, and it worked well.

Q. Yes, we felt you were very confident, and you were moving around very well in this first match. To both players, both of you are the same profile. You have a very physical game. You work with your legs. Was that one of the keys for the win today?

ALEXANDRE MULLER: Yes, my game relies on my physical aspect. The court was a bit slippery. I think that was a bit of a difficulty at the beginning, but maybe I adapted better than he did.

I think that he was a little bit frustrated at the end of the match, and he was getting frustrated. But, yes, my tennis, I've always said, I don't put away two aces per match, so I have to run all over the court, and that's what I did today.

Q. So that is a continuation of a good period for you after the round of 16 in Rome? Is it positive for you?

ALEXANDRE MULLER: Yes, I did a great tournament in Rome. I think that it will be a little bit of the same picture here. I can play Arthur here in the second round.

In any case, I'm just proceeding match by match, but if I could produce the same tournament as I played in Rome, it would be great for me.

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