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May 26, 2024

Richard Gasquet

Paris, France

Press Conference


7-6, 7-6, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Wonderful, Richard. That was great.

RICHARD GASQUET: Thank you. Well, the first set was very important for me. You know, during the tie-break, I had to win it, and this helped me afterwards because if you play for an hour and then you lose the first set, it's going to be complicated.

In the second set I managed to manage the difficult moments during the match. Then during the third set, I broke him back and finished 6-4. That was good.

The crowd was for me. It was a very good atmosphere. Good win for me.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. This passing shot at the end of the match and then you dropped on the ground, what happened to you? What did you have in mind?

RICHARD GASQUET: I was relieved. It was 5-4. Even though it might have been 5-5, after three and a half hours of playing the match, if he were to win the third one, you know that the fourth one could have been very difficult.

It could have been a fight, and then it was my best shot. It is my best shot. I was very happy. He was coming to the net on his back shot, and I knew I could shoot the passing shot. I managed to do it.

You know, if you lose the third one, then it's difficult physically speaking. We had been playing three and a half hours, but I managed to be okay during the most difficult moments in the match.

The first one during the tie-break. The second one as well, and the third one as well. I was lucky because I managed to be up each time I had to be up, and that was good.

It's the crowd. The crowd was with me, and that's very important, you see. The crowd is with you, that really helps you.

Q. Richard, that's something you mentioned when you were on the court. These types of emotions, I suppose you still have the shivers, and that's why you want to play.

RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, I know this court. You're really close to the crowd. The crowd is close to the players. The towels are really nearby. So it's a really good court. I've played big matches on this court.

I knew it was there. It was there. That's where the crowd is really buoyant, if I can say, when you need them from A to Z, and they were there. That's very important. It puts pressure on the opponent, and for you it gets you more stamina and energy, and that was essential for me to have this court.

And as I told you about before, the first set, the tie-break, and the second set, a tie-break as well... it was very physical, very long. A difference of ten years, that really counts in this case.

Yet, I managed to win these shots that I had to win, and that was really it, and that was nice. The match point as well, I was relieved.

Q. Now, to talk about this match point. In your book there's an anecdote with Nicolas Mahut. You were saying if he was coming to the net on your back hand, you would stop it with your hand, and he would give you the point because you trust yourself so much that when you saw Coric going to net, you'd know it was over before you would have to shoot the next point.

RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah, I know that I can quite succeed on these shots. That is, it was not the first serve point on the match. It's the match point, and I managed to win.

There was a lot of pressure, 5-5. It could have been a fourth set. Then things can go out of control. I know that this moment was essential for me, and finishing on that type of point, that's really nice.

Q. I don't know if tomorrow Sinner is going to win against Eubanks, but maybe there's going to be quite a lot of ambience on Wednesday evening when you play against Sinner. What do you expect? Quite an event. You know Piatti. Piatti can give you tips to beat Sinner.

RICHARD GASQUET: I don't know if tips will be enough because if he plays his best tennis, well, you know, he is the favorite. Well, there's a reason, but I've played him twice. Two excellent matches. Three sets I played on grass in Halle, and then Indian Wells I played him. Two good matches I must say, but he is stronger than I am, of course, but I played well.

So I hope that it's going to be a big event for me. It's incredible to be on the central court here. To play against Sinner is exceptional. So I'll try and make the most of it and enjoy this great opportunity that I'm given because I'm on the central court. I'll be on the central court, and this player is amazing, exceptional.

Q. It's been almost three and a half hours. Physically I have the impression that you are a different player compared to several months ago.

RICHARD GASQUET: Yeah a bit better, a bit better. I worked a lot on my physical condition, and this year this is what I did, my physical condition. I played something like 30 matches. That's what I did since the beginning of this season, so these two things together means that I could have better results than last year or two years ago. I feel better on the court.

I was lighter, and at the end of last year, you know, I was trying to fix these things. I wanted to work on my physical condition and to play matches as well, and 30 matches, you're ready. On clay I've played difficult matches in Aix and Rome. I played everywhere almost, and this really helps.

It was a good thing to play three and a half hours, and then I don't know about four hours, though. That's when it gets tough, but it was okay. We're still in the match.

I was running all over the place, and that's what you have to do to win these types of matches. You have to manage to do this. It's a nice surprise for me to win such matches after three and a half hours on clay, and it's a good thing.

Q. It's your 21st Roland Garros. You said it's one of the best moments of your career.

RICHARD GASQUET: I don't know if it's the best moment in my career, but it's a moment -- you know, I'm 38. Almost 38. It's a nice win, a very nice win.

I mean, I can't dominate any player. I know that all matches to come will be tough. I practice. It's tough, but I have this passion to play, so I know I'm serious. I want to play these types of matches, and I managed to do this on the Suzanne Lenglen the first round here in the Paris Open. A very nice win for me.

I don't know if it's one of the nicest ones, but it was a tough win. I'm not that young, so that's what I want to live. I don't know if I can live this again because the level is not easy for me. The players play well. They're younger than I am. I manage to do this, and I'm satisfied I could today, and I like it.

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