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May 26, 2024

Zizou Bergs

Paris, France

Press Conference

Z. BERGS/A. Tabilo

3-6, 7-6, 6-2, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations, Zizou. We can imagine that the match turned at the second set, six set points. Where did you find this energy?

ZIZOU BERGS: For me the second set, there was one break point, second one, the idea was more to find the right level, my level, because I thought it was lost. I didn't feel very good after the first set, including during the second set. Step by step it became better, but still, I was far away.

Then I broke once. The supporters were supporting me. The fans were supporting me, and I kept my serve. I broke a second time. I don't know how, and then I lost my serve and thought, Oh, no, is this a joke or what?

Then after that with all the set points I don't know how, but I broke again. Then we went into the tiebreaker. Usually for me it's a positive thing. I have a positive ratio for tiebreaker. I won the tiebreaker.

Then after that I focused a lot on myself during the second set. I didn't play very well. That's what I focused on, and eventually I realized that, well, maybe the circumstances are a little bit different. In the last few days it has been.

As soon as I realized that my opponent wasn't doing as well as before and that also I wasn't doing poorly just because of circumstances, it became better.

Q. How are your emotions after this great victory?

ZIZOU BERGS: It's been incredible, especially after a second set like that. It's the first time I've won in four sets. The first time at least in a main draw with other Belgians as well that are here. I'm still feeling the adrenaline.

Q. Is this the most beautiful victory of your career?

ZIZOU BERGS: I think it's the Davis Cup.

Q. Against who?

ZIZOU BERGS: Against Croatia. It was incredible. As a team with family behind, yes, it's amazing. I've also had my friends and fans supporting me, friends watching me over the TV, so it is an incredible victory.

Q. Then what's the first thing that came to your mind after the victory after the match point?

ZIZOU BERGS: I'm not sure. I just shouted really loudly.

Q. Zizou, you said that after qualifying, you wanted to go a step further. So now we are a step further. What's the follow-up? What's the next thing?

ZIZOU BERGS: Well, now the door has opened. Everything started with a match against Basilashvili of 2022 right after the Davis Cup. I was hurt then. I was injured, but it was the first time that I felt that my level was good.

I think with this victory today maybe I have my place in the top 100. It's also mostly the first time that door has opened, and now the important thing is to seek more victories. The path is open, and I have to keep down that path now.

Q. About keeping down that path, Marterer in the second round, what do you think about it?

ZIZOU BERGS: Well, I would say it's a beautiful opportunity. I have already played twice I think against him. Twice -- or three times. Twice I won, once I lost. In the US Open I lost, but I think with his ranking I think it's (indiscernible). It's a beautiful opportunity.

Q. What will you have to do? He is also left-handed but a little different from Tabilo.

ZIZOU BERGS: Yes, it will be a different thing. He serves well. He is aggressive on his forehand as well. I like this kind of player, especially on clay. I like to play against left-handed players.

So we'll just keep with this rhythm, analyze opponents, and come with a very clear plan.

Q. You mentioned the opportunity to be in the Olympics. Do you think it's still possible?

ZIZOU BERGS: Yes, right after the match I was on the phone with Ruben, and I said, Well, I hope in a month or two we can come back here in Paris for the Olympics. We've already talked about it with Bart De Keersmaeker, who is with us. He is the technical director in our federation, and he explained a few things about the rankings. So it depends.

But if you're in the top 100, you have a real chance of being in the Olympics. So that would be a beautiful opportunity to represent Belgium.

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