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May 26, 2024

Stan Wawrinka

Paris, France

Press Conference


6-4, 6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Stan, congratulations. Can you just tell us what you and Andy spoke about at the net. Looked like quite an emotional moment at the end.

STAN WAWRINKA: Yeah, it was emotional, for sure. We're getting closer to the end, and we played so many times over the last 20 years. A lot of emotion. Was amazing to be on the Chatrier night session, something I never had a chance to do it. And, yeah, he's amazing guy, amazing player, such a big fighter. We have a lot of respect for each other.

Q. What was the vibe of the night session like? What did you think of the experience out there, first time?

STAN WAWRINKA: I think was with the people, with the fans, was amazing. It's always special anyway to play in France for me at the French Open. I think in general it was quite full, the stadium. Not presidential, but the stadium, yes. I was super happy to be in front of the fans.

Q. How do you feel you played today? Obviously it's not always been easy this year for you, but seemed like you played some of your best tennis today.

STAN WAWRINKA: Yeah, I think I played my best match of the year. I think I was feeling good. I was moving well. I was playing aggressive. I liked the conditions, and I'm super happy with the performance and the level. It's really positive for me.

Q. Third straight win against Murray here. With your performance tonight, you reminded me about 2015. How did you manage to extract this kind of level against Andy? I mean, are you 29 again?

STAN WAWRINKA: I wish. I wish. In my head maybe.

No, I've been pushing myself the last few years after all the injury to come back to high level. I keep pushing myself. I didn't win many matches this year. I was failing a little bit mentally to finish those match. But the level always been there. I always been pushing every day, physically and tennis-wise to get to a good level.

Yeah, so far, as I said, today it was a great match, great night session. I enjoy it a lot and I'm super happy to have another chance to play in the next few days.

Q. What was going on that you needed a medical timeout there?

STAN WAWRINKA: I just needed to change my tape. It was a little bit, it blocked a little bit my ankle. I needed to put softer tape.

Q. Back to Andy, if you don't mind, for a second. This could be his last Roland Garros. Just wonder if you have thoughts on the legacy he leaves behind, specifically on clay, it wasn't his favorite surface, and yet he did so well, even played you in some great battles, 2016 and '17.

STAN WAWRINKA: Yeah, I think Andy did everything he could since he arrive on tour. Super young, he was amazing fighter. He always find solution. He's one of the hardest worker on tour. Since more than 20 years, he always wanted to improve. He always improved his game.

Like you say, at the French Open, he made semifinal, went to the final, he became No. 1. He achieved everything a player could achieve in tennis.

He's amazing champion, amazing guy. I think he has a lot of fans, a lot of people start playing tennis because of him. I respect him a lot. I enjoyed played him a lot last 20 years. We played so many times, so many big battle. Hopefully he's going to keep going a little bit.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.

Q. You said that you were playing well, but aren't you surprised by the level you managed to play tonight?

STAN WAWRINKA: No, I'm not surprised. I'm very happy. I know I can repeat. I've been training hard in recent months, and I didn't manage to win the matches I should have. I lost a lot because I was hesitant in my choices.

Today I managed to be very clear, very disciplined with what I wanted to do and what I was achieving on the court, and I'm very happy with the match.

Q. Could you tell us about the relationship that you have with the ball boys at Roland Garros. I think, in the warmup yesterday, it looked as if you have a special connection with them.

STAN WAWRINKA: Well, it's always been a pleasure for me to spend time with the ball boys and girls. In Roland Garros and in France, they speak French, so I always have a very good relationship with them.

I'm not very young now. When I go to certain matches in France, there are people who look after the tournament and the transport, and they said, Oh, I came to get you in that year for that game, et cetera. I love the passion that they put in what they do. You see the stars in their eyes, and if I can give them a little bit, then it's with great pleasure.

As I said, for me to see the kids who are so enthusiastic and who are so happy to be at Roland being ball boys and girls, it's one of the reasons why I want to continue, as well. I'm very happy to do certain activities with them.

Q. This evening it was a very good match on your behalf. Do you think that this is the click that you were looking for that happened this evening?

STAN WAWRINKA: No, I don't know. I don't really think about that question of the click. I just carry on, pushing every day. And as I said, in the past few weeks, I know that I'm at the right level. I'm trying to bring that level into the matches, to win the matches.

It went very well today. I'm very happy. I'm going to go back to work to have another good match in the next round.

Q. Did you follow the World Cup of ice hockey recently?

STAN WAWRINKA: Only briefly. Not a lot. I didn't watch the matches.

Q. They lost today.

STAN WAWRINKA: Yes, I know, unfortunately.

Q. On your second set point in the first set when you do the forehand, what happened in your head at that point? Because you managed to control your emotions. Is this this famous lack of lucidity that you were talking about at the Media Day the other day? Do you have the impression you've kind of won the battle against your demons today?

STAN WAWRINKA: Yes, that's it entirely. As I said, I'm trying to be as disciplined as possible with what I'm doing. With each point the fact of accepting being nervous, your thoughts, but to keep reframing myself where I need to be and not to start letting things go. If I miss one point, two points, or three points, okay, but you forget about that.

As I said, today it was a very complete match. I'm very happy with what I managed to do out there, and I have to carry on working, I hope. In any case, put all the chances on my side to be able to play that level in the next match.

But as I keep saying, I'm trying to do as best as possible everything I'm doing, my routine and et cetera, but you can't control the results.

Q. The break when you started the set each time was a good idea?

STAN WAWRINKA: Yes, it was a very good idea, thank you (smiling).

Q. To reproduce then?

STAN WAWRINKA: Yes, to reproduce if it works. Yes, of course when you get a break earlier, then you're ahead of the race and you can relax a little bit, be a bit more confident in what you're doing, because you can allow yourself certain mistakes maybe.

This year in last weeks I lost some matches with a head start and a break, but it doesn't always go right. But today each point I managed to do exactly what I wanted to do.

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