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May 27, 2024

Rafael Nadal

Paris, France

Press Conference

A. ZVEREV/R. Nadal

6-3, 7-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Congratulations...on everything you have done.

RAFAEL NADAL: I understand. (Laughter.)

Q. How did you feel about your performance today, what you were feeling out there today? And also, does the way you played make, you know, the things you're going to think about over the next two months more complicated?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I mean, not bad feelings. I showed that, myself, first of all, that I was ready for more than what I did at the end, that is, losing in the first round.

But that's how it is, no? When you are not seeded, you play against a player who is in great shape and is one of the best players of the world.

As I said before, have been a positive week for me of practice in all ways. In terms of physical performance, too. Without a doubt I felt much better than before. I didn't feel that limitations. Today in the match the same. I felt I was able to move myself much better than in the previous tournaments.

But I had a very tough opponent in front. And he played well, I think. Even like this, I had my chances, you know, with serving for the set in the second, then against another 15-40. In the third again a break up and then another 15-40 and 5-3 in the second to 15-30.

I mean, I was not that far. That's my feeling. That's probably my true.

At the end, I was ready to build my game and my confidence day by day. But I never had that days, you know, of competition, because I faced a very tough opponent in front. Probably today I needed him not playing a great match.

I played I think at a good level in all ways, comparing to the way that I was playing the weeks before. So, happy for that. Of course disappointed for losing, but in terms of body feelings, happy that I finish healthy, you know, and I had a tough battle out there. And I was ready for a little bit more.

So that's it. Accept the moment. If it's the last time that I played here, I am in peace with myself (smiling). I tried everything to be ready for this tournament for almost 20 years. And today and the last two years I have been working and going through probably the toughest process in my tennis career with the dream to come back here, no? At least I did. I mean, I lost, but that's part of the business.

Q. Congratulations on such a remarkable career. I'm curious what your mindset was, what your emotions were heading into this particular match, if any different than any first-round match? Also, how difficult is it for you, with all you have accomplished, Rafa, to walk away from a sport that has been such a part of your life for all of your life?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I am not running to no one place for the moment. I don't know what's going to happen in the next few months.

I need to finish all this process. My mindset was ready till Olympics, you know, and then I need to check how I feel in different ways, I mean, in terms of personal motivation, body feelings, and then in terms of level of tennis it make sense to keep playing.

I went on court with the strange feeling that I'm gonna be playing first round in Roland Garros, I will not be favorite, and that's the true.

But, you know, I went on court with the idea of fight for the match, to put the level, the energy there, and just hope that the opponent don't play at his best, because always first round is tough. For me, it was difficult to show a much better level than today in this particular moment in this first round, because I played for moments at I think a very good level, but in other moments I missed.

But that's something that is 100% normal when you are not playing tournaments in a row, when you are not playing these kind of matches since almost two years, it's normal that your level is not like this (indicating), because in the end you need to practice this, and the only way to practice this is competing.

To hold your level at this amount of energy, this amount of concentration, you need to be playing often. This time comparing to the other times that I was coming back from injuries, I came back from the lowest position possible, you know, in terms of everything, no? Physical performance, confidence, pain. I think most of the times when I was coming back from injuries, I was able to be healthy since the beginning. That was not the case.

So I felt my body healthy, as I said, before the tournament that week. That was the first week that I start feeling that I can move without limitations. That's why I was able to build a better level, to practice well against every player. But as I said, the normal thinking was not enough one week to be ready to win these kind of matches. But is always true that this court have been magical for me.

Q. I'm not sure if you know, but Novak, Carlos, and Iga were all watching you in the stands. What does it mean to have great rivals and top players come to see you play?

RAFAEL NADAL: I mean, I didn't see them, but I think in some way it's normal, no? I think if that's the last time that I gonna be playing here and if I know that Novak is the last time playing in Wimbledon or in Australia and I was there or... I mean, these kind of rivals or young players that are here like Carlos that probably they watch me on TV the most of his years that they are living (smiling), it's normal that in some way they are interested to see how this going to be, and especially in this particular place with all the history that I had behind, no?

But yeah, I mean, happy that that happens, you know, because that means that I had a positive legacy here and positive legacy my career, no?

And that's it.

Q. Rafa, I feel privileged to have followed you for more than 20 years. It's a bit a sad day. I would like to know if you would feel to be able to play well even tomorrow. Let's think about the Olympic Games. You have to play three hours and then the next day maybe another three hours. Do you feel that you are ready already now or probably one month enough you think you will be?

RAFAEL NADAL: I cannot tell you if I will be or not will be in one month and a half, because, you know, my body have been a jungle for two years. You don't know what to expect. You know, I wake up one day and I found a snake biting me. Another day a tiger (smiling). You know, have been a big fighting with all the things that I went through, no? But the dynamic is positive the last few weeks, no?

So I felt ready. I mean, I felt ready. I think tomorrow I will be ready to play again if I have to. But I will not have to (smiling).

So that's the thing, you know, and now, yeah, probably my next -- I need to prepare myself, I need to clear my ideas now and see what's the new calendar for me to try to be ready for Olympics, no? I can't say anything today, but my main goal now is to play Olympics. That's going to be here. So I need to prepare myself the proper way to try to arrive here healthy and well-prepared, and then let's see.

Q. You have been an inspiration to millions of people. Your career is much more than just about tennis. So what was the driving force behind your career, despite all the injuries, the tough losses like today? I mean, you're even saying that you're still going for the Olympics and whatever. Why? What is the driving force behind that fighting spirit?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I don't know. I am a simple guy in all ways, no? For me, as I said always, for me the feeling of coming back home with the personal satisfaction to do all what's in my hands to make the things work well, give myself everything, that's the only way that I understand my life, you know.

That's why I am not saying I am retiring today. You know, at the end, it's about not having the feeling in one year or one year and a half that, you know, I didn't give myself a chance, a real chance, you know, because immediately that I started to become a little bit more healthier, I stop.

So in terms what's driving me, what's the force behind driving me, I mean, as I said, I'm a simple guy. I enjoy what I do. You know, I am passionate about sport, I am I am passionate about competition. I like to practice, I like to play tennis. I'm in a different moment of my personal life too, traveling with my son, wife, you know. I am enjoying these moments that will not come back.

So if I keep enjoying doing what I am doing and I feel myself competitive and healthy enough to enjoy, I want to keep going for a while. I don't know for how long, but I want to keep going for a while, because they are having fun, I am having fun, and I need to see, I need to give myself a little bit longer chances to see if my level is growing and my body is holding, and then let's make a decision.

But give me two months till Olympics, and then let's see if I am able to keep going or I say, okay, guys, it's more than enough. Let's see.

I mean, today is not a moment to analyze all these kind of things. It's a moment just to keep going, accept the moment, and let's see what's going on.

Q. You have never discussed your injuries or how much you have had to fight to get fit. For this time, do you have an understanding of what it was for you to come back and be here? A little bit about your journey to be here to play Roland Garros this year.

RAFAEL NADAL: I mean, a lot of things going through, you know. First, a big surgery. Then problems in Brisbane that I had a tear again in similar spot of 2023 Australia, small, then I recovered more or less fast. Then abdominal, then again problems on the hip.

I mean, have been a tough process in all ways, and arrive a moment that I was mentally destroyed, you know, in terms of energy, in terms of personal happiness. That's why I said, okay, I need to stop this. I felt that have been big chances that I will never be back on a tennis court few weeks before Barcelona, no? But then started to feel a little bit better. At least I was able to play four tournaments. That means a lot to me, and let's see.

I mean, doesn't matter. I mean, I don't need to talk about how tough was everything, because if we put in balance all the things that happened in my tennis career, in my life, the positive moments are incredibly much heavier. You know, I enjoyed everything. Because of tennis I lived experiences that I never could imagine without practicing, playing this beautiful sport, and I had much more success than what I ever could dream about it.

So I had injuries, yes. I had tough, low moments, yes. But in the other hand I enjoyed incredible emotional and positive moments that I am so grateful and I feel very lucky for all of that.

Q. Could I just clarify your plans for the next few weeks? Is it your intention at the moment to play grass court tennis? Are you definitely going to play Wimbledon, or have you decided yet?

RAFAEL NADAL: Looks difficult, honestly. For me now I can't confirm what's going on, but for me now looks difficult to make a transition to grass, having Olympics again on clay.

So I cannot confirm anything. I need to talk with team. I need to analyze so many facts.

But I don't think it's going to be smart after all the things that happened to my body now make a big transition to a completely different surface and then come back immediately to clay, no?

Today I feel that's not a good idea, but I can't confirm. But my feelings is even if I am booked in Wimbledon because I had to, I don't think it's a positive idea right now.

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