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May 28, 2024

Tomas Martin Etcheverry

Paris, France

Press Conference


3-6, 6-2, 6-1, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: If you can start by telling us, what was the key for today's match?

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: It was a tough match, and I think aggressive was the key of the victory and trying to be focused. You know, the crowd was difficult today, but before the match I know that it's going to be tough.

Yeah, I played incredible today, and I'm really happy for the victory.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What was the toughest thing about playing in front of a crowd like that?

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: It's tough here in France. I play a lot of times against French guys, and you know, they support a lot his player. It's fine. I know that. Yeah, it's tough. It's tough every moment, you know.

Q. And just how would you compare this crowd to the crowds in your country, which can be pretty noisy?

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: Similar, similar. Yeah, I know. Yeah, it's incredible to play against this crowd, and it's tough, of course. I felt the same before in Chile also, in Brazil also like that.

Q. How did you find the playing conditions on the court today? Obviously it's quite rainy, roof is on.

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: It's more slow than the last year. When I hit this morning on the court, they are like more heavy, the balls are more heavy. We have to train to play in this condition. Yeah, it's totally different than last year.

Q. How do you kind of compensate for that? Are you conscious? You are thinking, I've got to hit the ball harder, I've got to anticipate the ball in a slightly different way?

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: Yeah, of course. Yeah, and try to -- you know it's going to be a more physical match. You have to prepare about that and trying to recover well, trying to sleep well because you have to be strong to train to hit the ball that's more heavy and, yeah, soft.

Q. Are there times when you are kind of surprised by -- there was one bounce I think in the fourth set where it barely came off the ground, and you had to kind of adjust. Is that something you need to get used to?

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: Of course. Yeah, of course. Well, I play in this conditions since I was a child in Buenos Aires in winter there. Very similar like it is right now here at Roland Garros. Let's see. Let's see because maybe the sun come out and the conditions are different in the next round.

Q. What do you think about after your match given the fact he had a great up-and-down during this match and comeback during the fourth set?

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: I think he is an incredible player. You know, he got an injury one month ago, and I think he's playing really good for his first match after the twist of his ankle. Yeah, you know, I think he's going to be a very great player.

On the fourth set I think the crowd helped him to try to, again, try to -- I think he did everything in the fourth set.

Q. Do you think that Roland Garros is a special tournament for you compared to other tournaments on clay?

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: Yeah, of course. I think it's my favorite tournament since I was a child, and I always want to play here. This is a moment of the year that I want to be here and try to play my best tennis because I want to get a good result here.

Q. You are playing really well during this last couple of weeks. The final in Lyon, you are really getting close to the top, and I remember you mentioning that Novak Djokovic was one of your idols. So do you still look up to him? What do you think in getting closer and close to him? There was this picture a couple of years ago.

TOMAS MARTIN ETCHEVERRY: Because, yeah, is he my idol, and he is the No. 1 of the world. I don't know, like six years right now.

Yeah, I always try to watch him, trying to improve the game. I always trying to saw him. Yeah, I think he's going to be No. 1 a lot of time. Yeah, of course.

I don't know if they have a good year this year, but I think it's Novak Djokovic. Maybe he can win this tournament.

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