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May 28, 2024

Aryna Sabalenka

Paris, France

Press Conference

A. SABALENKA/E. Andreeva

6-1, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations. A strong performance from you today. What do you think gave you the advantage on court?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Yeah, it was great match, great start for me. I think I was focusing on myself the whole game. I think that's why I was able to bring such good tennis.


Q. In which component of your game you think you made the biggest progress since last year in Paris?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Well, there is lots of things I improved. I would say my serve is much better right now. Also my, like, dropshots, slice game is way better. I would say that mentally I'm more stronger than I was last year.

Q. How did you find the conditions on court today?

ARYNA SABALENKA: Yeah, it was very humid. The ball was very heavy. Everything was much slower.

Yeah, it was tough conditions, but once again, I was focusing on myself. I think that's why I was able to bring consistency today.

Q. Do you think consciously about how you can compensate for the heavy conditions? Is that about hitting the ball harder or giving yourself more margin?

ARYNA SABALENKA: No, actually in these conditions I just prepare myself for long rallies and I'm not trying to hit bigger, because if you hit bigger it brings more unforced errors, which is not really something I'm looking to.

I'm just preparing myself mentally that it's going to be longer points and it's going to take more shots to finish the point.

Q. Just one question connected with your potential, most important game here. We'll see. After your last final with Iga, you said that you will get her after this first game in Roland Garros this year. Do you think you are a little bit closer to getting her or it's too early to see?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I mean, I have been just joking kind of over there, but if we're going to get to the point that we have to play each other here, then I was just kidding. But anyways, it's a tough battle against her. Like going to the match, you never know how it's gonna end, you know.

It's kind of like 50/50. It's a tough challenge for me, but as I always say, tough challenges, I like it. I'm ready to accept that and I'm ready to do my best to get that win.

But, I mean, it's far away from this day, you know. I am just trying to focus on each game. If we get to the point, I'll try my best (smiling).

Q. I wanted to ask you if you knew that you were on route to meet with Serena Williams, who is the last person to win the Australian Open and the Paris Open in the same year. Do you know about this fact? Is it in the back of your mind?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I mean, now I know it, and probably now it's going to be in the back of my mind. I'm kidding (smiling).

I'm just trying to separate myself from all those facts. I mean, I know that if I'll be able to focus on myself and I'll be able to fight for every point and try to find solution in each game I will be able to win these big tournaments. But, you know, like, I just try to take it step by step.

Q. A question on the Olympics. You have said a lot of times that you want to separate sports from politics, obviously. Do you expect to play this summer here at Roland Garros?

ARYNA SABALENKA: It's way far to go, you know, like, now we're in Roland Garros. It's couple months from now. I want to focus on Paris, and then focus on Olympics.

Q. My second question on the Olympics: If you do play here, I don't know if you're aware of that, but the meal is going to be quite special during the Olympics, as the organizers want to cut down the carbon emissions, et cetera. There is going to be a lot of plant-based meat, a lot of vegan meals. Is this a problem for you? What's your take on that?

ARYNA SABALENKA: That's not a problem for me. It's a lot of good restaurants here and you can find stuff you need, so it's not a big problem. It's good that we are moving towards healthy lives. It's good (smiling).

Q. I just wanted to ask you about the fact that you're always so jovial and happy on court, you are always seen dancing around and having a good time, especially here at Roland Garros. How much is being in that frame of mind important for you in terms of how it relates to your performance on court?

ARYNA SABALENKA: I mean, I think it's all comes with experience. First times when I was coming here, I was so tight, I was so intense because it's a Grand Slam, and with the years you realize this is just another tournament and you have to have fun. You have to be positive, because it's enough tension on court. If you're gonna bring this tension off court, it's just too much.

So for me, it's the better way to kind of like loosen up and to keep it, I don't know, mentally good, it's just to have fun, of course.

Honestly, this is just the way I am (smiling). Good or bad, whatever, but this is who I am.

Q. At the Australian Open you were signing Jason's head and that turned out very well. Are you doing anything similar here? How are they helping you relax away from the court?

ARYNA SABALENKA: We just keep the traditions going, you know. Like I did sign his head today. Let's see if it's working or not. Hopefully that's the key, you know, but we're going to keep tradition. (Laughter.)

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