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May 29, 2024

Caroline Garcia

Paris, France

Press Conference

S. KENIN/C. Garcia

6-3, 6-3

(In French.)

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Caro.

Q. You seem to have trouble playing her. What was the biggest issue today?

CAROLINE GARCIA: It's the third time I played her. She has a difficult game. Her game annihilates my strong points. She takes the ball early. She changes directions. She returns quite well. That actually makes her difficult to outplay.

She's had a solid season. She also played well in the earlier tournaments.

Q. What's your feeling when you get out of court after such a defeat? Do you feel peeved about your loss?

CAROLINE GARCIA: I'm disappointed to have lost. I didn't manage to find my game. She didn't leave me a lot of margins. I didn't manage to get the upper hand.

I lost sometimes when I had actually gained points to play. This is where I have regrets.

Q. That's a fourth defeat. It's a streak of four defeats in the second round at the French Open. Did you learn from each defeat?

CAROLINE GARCIA: I don't remember. Who beat me last year? I can't remember.

Q. There is not a problem with the French Open? Everything is okay here?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Yes, everything is fine.

Q. It was against Blinkova.

CAROLINE GARCIA: That was not the same scenario at all.

Q. So is it more frustrating today or was it more frustrating last year?

CAROLINE GARCIA: You know, all in all, it's the same. A defeat is a defeat. More or less it's the same emotions than afterwards. Last year it was not the same situation. There was disappointment after both matches.

There are times when you say I could have done better here and there, I could have played that ball differently, but then at the end of the match it's easy to change the world again and think back.

Q. Is that special because you have high expectations or people have high expectations on your part? How would you place yourself?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Well, of course we can have high expectations. I lost the second round last time, as well. It was not better. But then on the French Open, on clay when it's cold, then it's difficult to play one's best tennis. It's not the surface that corresponds and that suits my game. Even if it's "the" tournament of the year, clay court is not my most suitable surface.

Q. What is your relationship with the Philippe Chatrier Court? It's a very big court, but it's also very cold. Do you feel good when you step on the court? Because you already have a complicated relationship with clay.

CAROLINE GARCIA: Well, yes, it's complicated. It's true. You have said it well. You have described it well. It's a large court by size, with a number of fans. There is a lot of seats, a lot of room. When it's not full, all the lower seats are empty, even though the upper seats are occupied, then you feel that you're on your own.

On Lenglen it's less true, because people are closer to you. Even your own team, you can't hear them. So it's quite uncomfortable.

Q. Ivan is still here in your stands. What's going to happen in the months to come? Is he part of the team?

CAROLINE GARCIA: No. That's because of his role with the Federation. He's here to help any player asking for help and assistance or his opinion on any issue.

For the first time we talked together during Indian Wells, and his vision on my game was very interesting. It matched well. So he was there in Rome, and Bertrand is very open-minded. So am I.

Someone like Ivan who has so much experience as a player, as a coach, that can support me, that can help me go in the right direction, that's good. So every time he's available, we let him have access to the practice court, to the courts where I play so I can continue to improve my game.

Q. You are doing the women's doubles but not the mixed doubles, right?

CAROLINE GARCIA: No, I'm too old to do the mixed doubles as well. I was asked, and I said I would rather do the women's doubles.

He's looking for an answer since last week (smiling). One day or another you're going to find the truth.

Q. What about your relationship with clay? You said it's not really the best surface for you. What has become of your game? You have become more and more aggressive. We felt that the beginning of your career this surface would suit you well for your game. Now it's better for you to play on hard court. Do you have that impression as well?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Yes, I was always very aggressive and very much a puncher. Well, then, as for clay it depends on the conditions. When it's a fast surface it's easier, but when you have to take the ball early, when you have to read the bounces, it's not always easy.

And also, to defend it's easier. You can go to the net easier. Sometimes the opponent has more time. Sometimes it's really a toss, but it's never a surface where I could manage to have anything.

But, you know, I can be peeved very easily when things are not going my way.

Q. You said that your game is actually that of an attacker, that you have a fast game. Would you sometimes think about taking less risks?

CAROLINE GARCIA: Are you new (smiling)? My game has always been like this. I have been playing like this for 15 years, so no. I always want to keep my DNA. Sometimes I try to put more spin, to wait more, but it's not nice to see, I have to say.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. I'm curious about your opinion about the story of David Goffin, his match yesterday?

CAROLINE GARCIA: No, I do not, so I don't know.

Q. Well, it was about the French crowd was really involved, and afterwards David told that he experienced it as very hostile.


Q. He said even somebody spit gum at him. He said that here at Roland Garros he experiences things like that that's more hostile than at other slams. I want to know, do you agree with him? I also find it important to ask you this, because to hear it from a French perspective.

CAROLINE GARCIA: I mean, I didn't know the story. I saw it was a five-set match checking scores this morning. But I don't know what happened at all.

I mean, if he say so, I do believe it did happen, unfortunately, and I feel very sorry for him.

I never experienced it on my side here in Roland Garros. People have been cheering for me. Obviously sometimes, you know, like, people can be a bit hard with the judgment, with being negative. But I never experienced it, thanks God.

I mean, sometimes on the smaller court people get closer to you and you can feel a lot of pressure from this crowd. I heard from in the past that Court 14 for French people was a very good crowd but I always hear it said in respect. For me, it's really difficult because unfortunately -- I mean, thanks God I never experience it, and I hope it will never happen again.

In every sport sometimes there is fans who goes too far, and we are all here to play tennis and we are all here to watch and enjoy tennis. Even if we have our favorite player we want to, you know, cheer with respect. I think it's very important.

Tennis had always the value of respect, passion, but always a good respect and elegance, and I hope it will stay like this.

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