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May 29, 2024

Sofia Kenin

Paris, France

Press Conference

S. KENIN/C. Garcia

6-3, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Sofia, great result today on Chatrier. Just talk us through the match and also the atmosphere out there today.

SOFIA KENIN: Yeah, I felt like I played super well. The atmosphere was, you know, very equal. I enjoyed it very much. A lot of loud cheering, which obviously you're excited to play.

Yeah, I really enjoyed the atmosphere today.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You seemed really amped after the match. Not surprising. You take out the No. 1 French player on the No. 1 clay court in the world. What did it feel like to be back at Roland Garros and pull that off?

SOFIA KENIN: Yeah, I have a lot of great memories here. Yeah, winning today obviously meant a lot to me, especially beating Caro. I'm just super happy. I played some amazing tennis. I felt super good on court, and I'm actually very pleased with how I played.

Q. What is it about Roland Garros? You're 13-4 here.

SOFIA KENIN: Oh, I didn't know.

Q. Far better than any of your other slams. You made the final in 2020. What is it about Paris that pulls your game up?

SOFIA KENIN: Well, it's Paris. Yeah, I mean, I love red clay. I feel like it suits my game. I try to use it to my advantage, and I love the courts here. Especially playing on Philippe-Chatrier was even more special and memorable. I feel like I'm super comfortable on that court. I've got some amazing memories there, so I try to use that to my advantage.

Q. I just wondered during a tournament like this, how much of the other matches are you watching? Do you like to switch off? Obviously you have to watch your opponents and all of that. So what's the balance that you strike?

SOFIA KENIN: I mean, no, I probably will just switch off for today, and then with the rain and everything, they still haven't played, which is nice so I don't need to think about it too much.

But, yeah, for sure tomorrow I'll watch whoever wins and just try to take it easy today and not really think about tennis too much, and, like, switch off.

Q. Are you back, would you say?

SOFIA KENIN: I mean, yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah. I feel back, so yeah, I'm happy.

Q. When did you start feeling that way?

SOFIA KENIN: After I won my first match in Lleida, because I was on an eight-, nine-match losing streak this year. So I felt like getting that win, it obviously helped me for Rome, and then winning those two rounds there gave me confidence. Then even though Strasbourg wasn't the best, but I'm glad that it's coming together here because, obviously, this is the place where you want everything to come together.

Q. When I say "back," I mean back like in the big picture, not just like sort of a valley this year. Is that how you look at it as well?

SOFIA KENIN: Yeah, definitely. I feel like even at the start of the year, like, I wasn't playing as I am playing right now. I feel like I'm definitely more fitter, doing the right things from my end; fitness, diet, everything. Obviously it's paying off, so yeah.

Q. You beat Ons in Rome. Was that a turning point of sorts when you realized that you could do this again?

SOFIA KENIN: Yeah, I think so, for sure. It was such a great match. Yeah, after that I got some confidence definitely. I felt like I can definitely play with the best, and I proved it to myself once again.

Q. You might get another chance to prove it to yourself. If Ostapenko wins, you'd have to play her. That's a big task in Paris. What do you like about her game?

SOFIA KENIN: I mean, she's super aggressive like me. I feel like it's going to be who's going to be better, aggressive, movement? Hopefully if I do play her, hopefully she can be a little bit off to give me a little chance to win. But yeah, we'll see.

Q. You might also play a Danish player called Clara Tauson.

SOFIA KENIN: Exactly. Yeah.

Q. The odds are quite equal. I know the ranking is obviously a big difference. I don't know how much you know about Tauson, and have you seen anything from her from the past years where she's come back from injuries?

SOFIA KENIN: Well, I think last year she got to the fourth round. That's all I know.

Q. Third round, but through quallies.

SOFIA KENIN: Yeah, yeah, I figured.

Yeah, she's also aggressive. That's what I know. I hit with her last year or something, which doesn't mean anything because everyone is different in practice than matches. I mean, I'll just see who wins and then get ready to battle.

Q. Will you watch it live? I heard you wouldn't watch it on here. Will you watch it on TV live, or how do you watch a match like that?

SOFIA KENIN: You have to have Tennis Channel and subscribe and then you can watch matches. No, I won't watch. I don't want to think about it too much. If I'm going to think about it, I'm going to root for one person, and then it always ends up the opposite. So I'm just going to let the result happen, and then we'll see.

Q. I just wondered, do you listen to any music or anything to pump yourself up before going on court?

SOFIA KENIN: No, I think I need to add that to my routine, but I do love music, yes. I listen to it any chance I get.

Q. What sort of stuff?

SOFIA KENIN: I like Tate McRae and Nicki Minaj, Drake, all of those amazing rappers.

Q. On a day like yesterday or today with the rain playing havoc with the schedule, some players' matches are moved. Some might wind up not playing today. What kind of advantage is it to be first on court, be on a court with a roof, know that you're going to get through today and be done with your work?

SOFIA KENIN: I mean, yeah, you said it. When I saw that I was on Philippe-Chatrier I was, like, okay. I saw the weather forecast. I was, like, okay, regardless I'm going to play.

Yeah, I'm obviously thankful that that happened because I didn't really want to stay here too much longer and wait because it's mentally kind of tough. I'm just happy to get it out of the way.

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