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May 29, 2024

Iga Swiatek

Paris, France

Press Conference


7-6, 1-6, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Iga, a great result today, an incredible match. I guess give us your immediate thoughts after that match, please.

IGA SWIATEK: Well, it's hard to have any logical thoughts, because for sure, you know, it was really intense and on a really high level. I was, you know, in huge trouble in the third set, but I managed somehow to win this match, which is kind of abstract, but I'm glad that I didn't give up.


Q. Congrats for today. What was going on through your mind from 5-2 down in that third set? I know you always believe you can win but when you're back against the wall like this, what was the process?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I honestly didn't believe I could win, because I would be pretty naive. But it didn't change the fact that I just tried to do work to play better. I actually managed to be more focused at the end of the match, which went pretty badly, you know. In first and second set I felt like I'm not completely, you know, in the zone. When I was under the biggest pressure I was able actually to, yeah, switch that and maybe that made the difference.

But honestly, when it's so tight, it's just, I don't know. It's not like I have influence on everything, but for sure, if I didn't give up, I just increase my chances. I tried to just play better as I would if I would be practicing or if I would be, I don't know, 4-5 and not 2-5, yeah.

Q. Ons said this afternoon that she thought this would have been the night match because it's two great champions playing each other, and they like to put a big match on at night. Were you surprised about that or whether you thought it deserved a bigger billing?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I don't really think about things like that. The tournament also knows that I'm that kind of player that likes to play day session, so I'm not going to say bad things about that, because for me it's always more convenient to play during the day.

But obviously tennis is entertainment. But, you know, we don't do the schedule. We can only request maybe some stuff, but we don't have much influence on that.

So I'm fine with my match being at this time, because I didn't finish, you know, at midnight, and I can go normally to sleep. Obviously I could talk about, you know, the fans and everything, but I'm more looking from my perspective, and this is a more comfortable option for me.

So I'll leave that to the tournament to decide which match is going to be night session.

Q. You addressed the fan topic in the on-court interview very respectfully. Just to clarify, was it related to the half volley in the third set, or happen more frequently? Does it happen more frequently at the French Open in relation to other tournaments?

IGA SWIATEK: Yes, I got the most frustrated when I missed that drop volley. Yeah, somebody shouted during when the ball was flying to me.

But I knew that I should be more focused and not let this distract me, but sometimes it's hard, because in tennis we're used to the stadium being silent during the point.

It happened more times, especially before the returns, and that's why I wanted to speak out about it, because if it would happen one time, I would just let it go.

I know the French crowd is enthusiastic. Yeah, but for now in tennis we have these kind of rules that there should be, like, more silence in the audience, and I just wanted to point out that it's not easy for us.

But I know that French crowds can be kind of harsh (smiling), so I don't want to be under the radar right now. So, yeah, I don't know if that was a good decision or not, but I hope they can treat me as a human and just we can kind of work on it.

Q. I just wondered what it is like for you as somebody who has been winning these tournaments a lot recently and has been at the top of the game in a period when Naomi has been away from the game, and now she's back. She was in the similar position to you a few years ago. What is it like for you to have her back competing with you on occasions like this?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly, I just think about, you know, the journey that she had. I'm happy that she's back, because her tennis, you know, deserves to be on the biggest stages. She deserves to be there, because she has great tennis.

For sure, you know, it wasn't easy on her, but if she's going to play better and better, it means that she did some work to improve. That's why I think in sports it's pretty fair when you're working hard and you know you're going to see it by the results.

She played amazing today. I have big respect for her coming back. Also because of the things that she, you know, always, like, struggled with. But also another thing, she's a mother, and I guess, I have never been in that situation, but I guess it must be hard to combine these two things and come back after maternity leave.

So, yeah. I'm happy that she's back. But maybe we can play not a (indiscernible) next time. We'll see.

Q. Did she surprise you by the ability that she could play on court, especially on this court that has been more or less your surface and not hers? She said she'd like to play you on her surface next.

IGA SWIATEK: Well, she surprised me because even she says that she's not playing the best tennis on clay, so I'm not expecting anything before matches, but her shots were really clean and really heavy today. I think on these courts in Paris basically they are faster. This is probably the fastest clay. In Madrid the balls go faster in the air, but the bounce is pretty high.

Here the bounce is -- honestly these clay courts are the most similar to hard courts. I think she also used that today. For sure I think she improved her game.

Yeah, but I also felt like she could play really with no pressure, no expectations. That's what gave her, like, extra positive kick, I guess. But I don't know. You gotta ask her.

Q. You had a similar situation in Australia where you won a very tough match in the second round and then you lost in the next round. Wondering how you would compare this experience and what you might have learnt from Australia to take into the rest of this tournament.

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I'm not comparing it because I don't want to find any patterns that are not really necessary. But I think my game can get better here. In Australia it's harder for me to improve during the tournament because of the surface, actually.

So I'm not expecting anything. From now on I'm just going to try to focus on my tennis and whatever. Even if I'm gonna lose -- I mean, I almost lost today, so I'm happy that I'm here anyway.

Q. Many things had happened during the match actually in the third set. Of course you came back from that 4-1 down and saved the match point. But if you name like the most important point or game, which one it would be?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, honestly after such long matches, I can't really remember, like my timeline is messy. But I think in the third set when I was -- was it 1-5 or 2-5? So probably this one. Because I could actually, like, switch my mindset finally and really be more focused.

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