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May 30, 2024

Luciano Darderi

Paris, France

Press Conference


7-6, 6-3, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: It was a tough match today. Can you explain your feelings after this tournament?

LUCIANO DARDERI: Yeah, the tournament I feel really bad about today, but it's tennis, no? Today I don't play really good. He's an amazing player. I think he play really good today.

On the first set I was up 5-4 on serve, and then after the rain on the 6-All, I think all changed. I lost 7-6, and mentally I don't fight. I don't know why. I just don't play well the first game in the second set, and then it was really tough from then.

He started to play really good and serving amazing, so nothing to say. Just congratulations to Tallon.

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