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May 30, 2024

Marie Bouzkova

Paris, France

Press Conference


6-2, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Well, congratulations on your win. How did you feel during that match?

MARIE BOUZKOVA: Well, I think it was difficult a little bit with the rain delay, and obviously, always tricky to finish the match like that with such a big pause. But, yeah, I'm happy to pull it off today.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What is your attitude before the match with Iga Swiatek, and what could you say after her game against Naomi Osaka, which was quite a match?

MARIE BOUZKOVA: I mean, I haven't seen that match. I just followed the score, but of course, expecting a very difficult match with Iga. I think that's as big of a challenge as it gets playing her in French Open.

So, yeah, I'm looking forward to the match. I think playing these kind of matches at Grand Slams is a reward also. So, yeah, I'm excited for it. And, of course, Iga is kind of like almost like playing a boy on the other side of the court. You know, she plays very heavy balls and moves super well. So I just have to be really playing my best and see what happens.

Yeah, we have only actually just practiced. I haven't played a match yet. So overall I'm just excited for it, and yeah, we'll see how it's going to go.

Q. Is there anything that you can prepare tactically for such player as Iga, or you don't have any specific plan yet?

MARIE BOUZKOVA: Well, I think tactics I would say more than anything would be, like, just the mental part. Kind of just be ready for a physical match. I think that's what it will get down to. Just expecting long rallies and also taking my chances whenever I get the opportunity to do so.

Yeah, just keep trying to play well on my serve. I have been feeling good these past two rounds, so kind of keep building on that as much as I can. Of course, against Iga will be much more difficult, but yeah, as I said, just take it kind of point by point and expect a very physical match.

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