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May 31, 2024

Andrey Rublev

Paris, France

Press Conference

M. ARNALDI/A. Rublev

7-6, 6-2, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. We could see your emotions on court and what it meant to you. Now you have had time to reflect. What are the emotions you're feeling after a defeat like that?

ANDREY RUBLEV: Nothing. Completely disappointed with myself the way I behaved, the way I performed, and I don't remember behaving worse on a slams ever. I think it was first time I ever behave that bad. Not much to say.

Q. Do you think that your concentration went and then you couldn't make your tennis come back?

ANDREY RUBLEV: I think it's not about concentration. I think it's because the way I behave I put myself completely down, and I give Matteo wings to fly, and he was flying third set unbelievable. It was too late to do something.

Q. It's been a strange season for you, because you had such a great tournament in Madrid.


Q. And then before that you had a struggle.


Q. Can you explain the way it is swinging?

ANDREY RUBLEV: I don't know. I mean, yes, I was struggling, and then I had really good result in Madrid. Now I'm playing well again. It's more, I feel that I have a good game, I'm improving. The problem is the head, that today basically I kill myself, and that's it.

Q. What frustrated you most today: The way you were playing or questions you had with the umpire?

ANDREY RUBLEV: No, it was just, in general, that I had a lot of opportunities, a lot of chances, and I didn't make it. Then in one moment, if I completely lose it, and that's it when I had, yeah, so many chances to come back, to lead again or to take the lead, and I didn't make it, I didn't make it, I didn't make it.

Then I completely, I was keeping it inside, and when I lose the break second time in the second set, I lose it completely.

Q. You mentioned before it's the worst you have behaved or felt at a slam. Do you have a sense of what the trigger point was for that? You have said what it was that frustrated you, but was there kind of a feeling going into the match or can you explain it at all?

ANDREY RUBLEV: No, it was just during the match that I was up with the break, I was 30-Love, I did a really few stupid mistakes, so basically I bring him back to the game. Then I had something again before tiebreak that I could break or something, then inside the tiebreak I had chances, and then second set I start completely already on emotions.

But somehow I was able to break back, and looks like I start to have a bit more chances. Then out of nowhere, again, I collapse with myself, I get emotional, I lost my serve, and then I lose it completely and basically I almost -- almost, no, I tank the second set, and then it was too late, because then he start to play unbelievable.

When you're doing those things, normally it's tough to come back.

Q. Do you find it difficult to be kind to yourself on the court? If you were kind to yourself, do you think that behavior you mentioned wouldn't happen?

ANDREY RUBLEV: Yes, I feel it's tough to be, in some moments tough to be kind to myself, and of course if I was able, I'm sure that those moments will never happen.

Q. Is there anyone you talk to about what you're going through maybe before the match, before a tournament, after the tournament? Do you maybe journal? Is there some outlet to this?

ANDREY RUBLEV: No. Everything was fine before the match. I did good warmup. I was feeling well. It's just those things in a match completely, yeah, completely click me and I couldn't -- I start, I wanted, yeah, it was really bad behavior from me.

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