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May 31, 2024

Clara Tauson

Paris, France

Press Conference

C. TAUSON/S. Kenin

6-2, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations. What are your thoughts on your performance today?

CLARA TAUSON: I think it was a solid performance. I didn't play my best tennis today, but I was very focused. Yeah, I was determined to win today, and I think I did a good job doing that.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Two former Grand Slam champions back to back to make your first round of 16 at a slam. How does it feel in general to have that achievement now?

CLARA TAUSON: It feels amazing, honestly. I was almost moved to tears when I won today. That's never happened before.

Yeah, I was just very proud of my performance today. Even though I wasn't playing my best, I think I really fought with everything I had, and yeah, I'm just really happy with this.

Q. It was tricky out there, pretty chilly, a little bit of rain. Do you think that's the reason it was a bit of a slog for you?

CLARA TAUSON: Yeah, I mean, it's pretty hard to serve with rain coming into your eyes every second, but, I mean, I'm from Denmark. I know about rain (smiling).

Yeah, it's been a while since I actually played in this kind of weather. It's a bit tough on the body, because you have to hit the ball a little bit harder for it to go anywhere, but I think I managed today. I'm really pleased.

Q. We have seen you here a few years ago. I remember your match against Jennifer Brady. A few years on, what is the transition like for you? I know there have been injuries, et cetera, over the course of time, but transforming from a junior into a senior who is trying to get to these sort of stages of a Grand Slam, what has that transition been like?

CLARA TAUSON: I mean, it's been difficult for me, because when I was 18, 19, I was doing really well, but then I got injured. Yeah, I think as a woman, you have to really grow into your body and your mental. I mean, I'm still learning, and I think I will keep learning.

Yeah, I think I'm getting more comfortable with the way I'm playing and more determined in the way that I play and I keep on playing like that and don't try to play anybody else's game than my own.

Q. Your thoughts on facing Ons Jabeur in the next game?

CLARA TAUSON: Yeah, I mean, another very good player and another Grand Slam finalist. I think obviously it's going to be a tough match.

But I do think I have the qualities to beat her and play a good match against her. We played one time before many years ago in Billie Jean King Cup, so it's been a while.

Yeah, I'm just looking forward to it. Obviously she's the favorite, but I do think I can play some good tennis.

Q. Just picking up on something you talked about yesterday when I asked you about your work with Lars, you said you're playing in a way that's more true to yourself and you said he allows a little bit more freedom on your creative side. Can you talk about the way you're working on your game now compared to maybe the way it was a couple of years ago?

CLARA TAUSON: I mean, I think I have always been very true to my playing style, but when you're young, you're very impressionable, I think. You want to learn everything at the same time.

But now I know my body, how it works, my mental, and how I'm supposed to play with what I have. I'm never going to be Iga or anybody like that (smiling).

Yeah, I'm more comfortable knowing that now that I have this way of playing, and I'm not going to change that. Of course if I need it in a match that I need to run everywhere, I'm going to try my best, but I do believe that if I stay true to playing every match like this and the way I should play, I think I'm going to be a better tennis player in the long run.

Q. Just picking up on that, is that about using power? Is that how you would describe your game?

CLARA TAUSON: Yeah, I definitely feel like I have always had a lot of easy power in my game: my serve, my forehand, my backhand. It comes very easy to me. I don't have to use that much of my strength, but that's also the way I like to play and the way I love to watch people play.

So I think just improving on that, I think, I mean, I love watching Aryna, for instance. I think we have a lot of the same qualities. Of course she's better than me, but that's kind of the level I aspire (smiling).

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