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June 1, 2024

Varvara Gracheva

Paris, France

Press Conference


7-5, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: This was an excellent performance. What's your take on this match? What do you feel?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: I'm so happy. I tried to enjoy that moment, but I'm already planning ahead. I know that I will play against Peyton Stearns or Mirra Andreeva, so I try to prepare for the next match. Maybe it's too early on, but that's the way it is.

Q. At the end of the match you sang the Marseillaise with the public, with the crowd. How did it feel?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: I will remember that moment until the end of my life. After the interview, they said it's your first French Open as a French player with the French crowd. I said yes. I couldn't believe what a wonderful atmosphere it was.

Q. After the month of February and March that were complicated, you're reaching the round of 16. It's crazy, isn't it?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: Yes, indeed. March and February I lost most of my matches. I couldn't hope to be back on track quickly enough, so what I did was to try and work hard with my team that supports me and helps me. So it's good because I'm proud. I'm happy to be solid here for the French Open where on paper it shouldn't be this way normally.

Q. What does it represent to be the last French representative?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: I didn't know that. That's something else I didn't know.

Q. Yes, you are the last French player because you've been naturalized less than a year ago.

VARVARA GRACHEVA: I'm just happy to be here. I want to aim at a deep run, as deep as possible. I'm proud.

Q. You will be qualified for the Olympic Games as well, won't you?


Q. Well, surely.

VARVARA GRACHEVA: I don't know if they accept me or not. I will ask. We'll see.

Q. You smile a lot on court and during press conferences, even when we have intense moments during the match. Are you always like this? How do you keep a positive attitude at all times?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: Honestly, if someone were to tell me that early on I would be smiling at 5-4, I wouldn't believe you. At the beginning of this year it was so hard.

(In English.)

I was very frustrated about myself and about my game. When I was coming back, I decided to do things a bit more different, and good in a way. I met some people. I have now, like, two good friends and one person that loves me. They really help, how to say, for me to appreciate the moment and to have a pleasure from the moment. So this is why I smile. I smile for them.

(In French.)

Q. What does it feel to be back in front of so many journalists in this main press conference at the French Open?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: Well, it's so enjoyable having so many people in front of me. Maybe it's just part of the job, at the end of a workday.

Q. Were you surprised at the beginning of the second set that she had more problems finding her game, and you managed to step up your game?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: No. Honestly, at that point during the second set when someone is losing, they try to play more carefree to be back on track afterwards. So it's normal, so it didn't surprise me.

But then I had to make the right decision at the right time because if I lost the opportunities, I would have a third set to play, and that would have been a completely different match.

Q. You were talking about opportunities. You had a lot of opportunities during the first set, two swift breaks and three set points at 5-4 on her serve. So how did you manage mentally to step up your game and be aggressive to outplay her?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: I had a few stressful moments, and maybe I made such a swift decision, but I have no regrets doing so because these are difficult moments to manage.

I'm already happy that I had opportunities, set point opportunities, break point opportunities as well. It was 5-4 during the first set, and I managed to level the scores afterwards.

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