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June 1, 2024

Alexander Zverev

Paris, France

Press Conference

A. ZVEREV/T. Griekspoor

3-6, 6-4, 6-2, 4-6, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: How did you turn it around in the fifth set down two breaks?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: I broke him twice back.

Look, I don't know. I mean, when you are down 4-1 double break, especially against such a big server like him in the fifth set, you don't always win.

So, obviously, extremely happy that I did.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Well done. Did it cross your mind that you were going to lose because it seemed like you were --

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Oh, my God, I already had a full speech for every single team member of my team ready. I already knew what I was going to tell my coach. I already knew what I was going to tell my hitting partner. I already knew what I was going to tell my physical trainer. I already had it all prepared. I was going to give them so much shit. You can't imagine (laughing).

Q. (Question off microphone.)

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Of course, it's never the player's fault. We're perfect. I don't know if you noticed. Just kidding.

When you are down 4-1, double break against him, there's a very small chance you're going to come back. I felt like I played a really, really good game at 4-1 down. 4-3 I think he started to think. Then, yeah, obviously in the tiebreak, I feel like the tiebreak was my best tennis throughout the entire match.

Obviously extremely happy that I won and that I'm still in the tournament.

Q. I just want to find out, you're a bit of a different player than, say, about two years ago. You have this calmness about you, especially maybe from the outside. But especially in those difficult crunch moments, clutch moments, like today as well, you seem calm and more focused than, like I said, about two, three years ago.

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Well, I think it comes maybe with age. It comes with maturity. Also, I told myself -- I think I answered that after the last match -- I told myself I want to become a different type of player and different type of role model as well in a way. I don't break racquets anymore. I barely get warnings.

But it's something that I kind of had this conversation with myself, and I realized that I don't do any good to myself and especially to people and kids watching. I'm glad it's working out.

I mean, I worked on myself quite a lot in that department because, obviously, tennis is a very mental game, and I'm happy that the improvements have kind of shown on the court.

Q. At 1-4 down I guess different players would approach a situation like that differently depending on what their game style is, what their mentality is. What was yours at 1-4? What are you trying to do at that point?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: The first thing I did, I changed my return position from very far back. I stepped in closer to the line because he was killing me with the serve and volley for a set and a half, for fourth set and fifth set.

My first mindset was, okay, right, I'm down 4-1, but how do I give myself the best chance to come back? The number one thing I had to take away was his serve and volley game, which was working out very well today for him. So I did that.

I thought I was returning incredibly well down 4-1. As I said, I played a very good game at 4-1 down. Then, look, he started to think. He started to think at 4-3, and he did do the two double faults. He did maybe miss one or two backhands that he shouldn't have missed. I feel like I put myself in that position in the fifth set.

Q. Besides the tennis, what do you do on your spare time, what other activities to relax, you know, these days? What do you like? Where is your happy place here in Paris or happy activities? I don't know.

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: I play a lot of Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch. I played about four hours yesterday and about three hours the day before. So that's what I do on my spare time, yeah.

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