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June 2, 2024

Elisabetta Cocciaretto

Paris, France

Press Conference

C. GAUFF/E. Cocciaretto

6-1, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Elisabetta, tough match. Can you tell us a bit of your overall experience here at Roland Garros this year?

ELISABETTA COCCIARETTO: Of course today it was tough, for sure. I knew that she's very good opponent. I knew that I will not be as the best that I can do, because I didn't have a lot of practice on my shoulder, and of course I played a lot of matches really tough. So I was, like, a little bit like empty.

But I have to do the experience to manage all the things and all the matches, and the thing is that today the worst thing was not the loss but for sure to not do anything of my game in the court.

I think this is the worst, for sure. But it's experience, and I need to do a lot, as much as I can. Now I have a little bit of rest and then again have to practice for grass. So it's okay.

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