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June 2, 2024

Hubert Hurkacz

Paris, France

Press Conference

G. DIMITROV/H. Hurkacz

7-6, 6-4, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Bad luck. What did you think was the difference between you in this tough match?

HUBERT HURKACZ: Well, Grigor is always such a great competitor, and it's fun to battle against him. I just, yeah, didn't manage yet to win one of those battles. Really close first set and had some opportunities that didn't convert.

That, yeah, definitely made some difference at the end.

Q. How tough has it been with the rain and delayed matches and stuff?

HUBERT HURKACZ: It's been definitely challenging the past couple of days. Since the morning till the evening I was here on-site, but same for Grigor. So we both had similar conditions.

Q. In terms of anything Grigor did, was there something in particular that gave you trouble today, or what would you say was the best aspect of the way he played against you today?

HUBERT HURKACZ: Well, he definitely competed really well. He came with some good shots in the important moments. We know each other well. We practice many times and played couple of matches.

So it was just really close here and there. I felt I had some opportunities but just didn't manage to convert them this time.

Q. You, late in the match, after that call along the tramlines, you asked him whether he'd agree to switch chair umpires. What was your thinking on that? Have you ever asked for that and had it happen?

HUBERT HURKACZ: I think I could have asked before. No, just asking Grigor if he would like to make the change. If not, then we're perfectly fine.

Q. What did you think of the umpire in general today?

HUBERT HURKACZ: No, all good. It's clay court, so it's sometimes difficult when the balls are really close to make, yeah, just it's really close from time to time. Definitely some of the calls you wish they are different way, but it's just the way it is, and you gotta accept the things.

Yeah, we just compete as players and try to do our best.

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