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June 4, 2024

Marketa Vondrousova

Paris, France

Press Conference

I. SWIATEK/M. Vondrousova

6-0, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Marketa, not the result you would want today, but you have had a really strong run here. Talk to us about your week here.

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, I'm very grateful for, you know, these two weeks. Yeah, today she was, you know, just the better one. Yeah, she was playing amazing. Yeah, but overall, the tournament was great for me.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Looking ahead, grass season next, and you're defending Wimbledon. Do you feel you have the form and confidence you want going into that?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: I mean, these two weeks will definitely help. Yeah, I'm gonna play, you know, the tournaments before, so we'll see.

But, yeah, I can't wait for grass. Yeah, I hope I'm gonna do good (smiling).

Q. How do you generally find that adjustment going from two such different surfaces?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, I think that the important thing is the movement for me. Yeah, we have, you know, one grass court near Prague, so I think we're going to go there to practice a bit and to practice the movement, too. Yeah, I think that's the most important.

Yeah, I'm gonna play one or two tournaments before. Yeah, that will help.

Q. What did you learn today from playing Iga? Would you have any advice for anyone playing her in the next round or two?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: I don't know really what to say, but yeah, you know, she's I feel like way better than anyone else on clay, and especially here. Yeah, it's very tough.

You know, I feel like on the court you have nothing to, I don't know, maybe offer or she's just, you know, she's just too strong here.

Yeah, I didn't, you know, feel bad, but overall, like, in the rallies, I felt like, you know, she's just better. So I think, you know, she was the better one today.

Q. Was she about what you expected, or did anything surprise you about what was on the other side of the net?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: No, not really (smiling). I think, you know, she's very confident here, you know, especially on that court. Yeah, I feel like, you know, clay is her surface.

Yeah, it's very tough to play. I think, like, I feel like she just, you know, like, push you every rally. I feel like you just go crazy every point (smiling).

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