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June 4, 2024

Stefanos Tsitsipas

Paris, France

Press Conference

C. ALCARAZ/S. Tsitsipas

6-3, 7-6, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: English questions, please.

Q. How do you analyze this game, and did you find any key for the future to beat him?

STEFANOS TSITSIPAS: Not really because I tend to believe that my ball quality is one of the best on the tour, and every time I get to play Carlos I feel like he delivers a shot quality that I don't quite get against other opponents.

It triggers me as much as -- it just brings me trouble. Like, I feel like his shot is deep and has a lot of topspin to it and I just haven't been able to come up with something good.

He in a way overpowers me, but he's also patient enough to do it in a very constructive way. I haven't felt like this on the court, and I haven't felt against a lot of players like this on the court. They are numbered on my fingers. Maybe one or two players that have been able to do that against me.

I really feel like there aren't a lot of things that I can kind of deliver on the court. I'm just maximizing my game as much as I can, and I'm trying to hang in there. With him it feels like regardless of what I do. Hitting harder is not necessarily the option, I feel like.

He's a fast guy. He tends to get a lot of balls back that other opponents wouldn't otherwise get. He's trouble. When you're playing him, you know you're always going to get a ball extra back. I missed a few smashes today and shots that I don't necessarily miss and haven't missed during this tournament.

I just need to get through that mental barrier. I feel like there was some voodoo stuff going on today on the court. I wasn't able to just get the ball where I wanted. It's really unbelievable.

Q. Bad luck. Do you feel that if you didn't play Carlos, you would have been at a very good chance to win this tournament considering the form you are in?

STEFANOS TSITSIPAS: Well, I was feeling great with my tennis so far. I know I had two matches that ended up in the fourth set, and I was accumulating great confidence, especially against Arnaldi. I feel like the last three sets were phenomenal from my end. I played close to 100%.

I haven't felt this way in a very long time in regards of my tennis. Where I'm constantly pressing him, and I feel like I'm kind of getting him by the throat and not letting him breathe. That was the type of things I was always aiming to play as a player. I was really able to pull that off with him the other day on Suzanne Lenglen.

I saw a great trajectory of mine being headed towards a very unique great path. I haven't had this feeling in any Roland Garros edition that I have participated in.

So my chances, yes, I won't lie, I was confident. I felt more confident than I usually am. Maybe that hurt me I guess. I don't know.

I was pretty sure I could face Carlos today and maybe do something different than any other time that I have played. The kid is just too good. I can only congratulate him because he's really playing amazing. I've maximized anything that I was able to try and do out on the court. I've maximized everything. I just need to figure this out.

It's a difficult journey. It's not a pleasant one, for sure. Of course, I wish him the best because when I play against him, I get reminded of how much there is to get better at as a tennis player.

Q. You talked about this tough matchup for you against Carlos. At some point tonight did you feel powerless on court?

STEFANOS TSITSIPAS: There were times, yes, for sure. He's controlling the ball exceptionally well, and he's able to just change directions so easy. He reminds me a little bit of Novak when he plays.

The way he constructs points, the way he uses his mind to come up with great solutions and tactics all the time, he just has answers to everything. He's a smart player. He plays with a great tennis IQ. That makes it extremely difficult, and you really have to play very precise with him.

I felt like at times today I came up with some really good shots, but the answers were even better than my shots. As I said, I've done everything that I could possibly do today. It didn't work out. I just couldn't do better.

Q. I know it's hard after a loss and everything, but I have to ask you, were you shocked when you heard that Novak pulled out of the tournament? How was the reaction since he was the defending champion here?

STEFANOS TSITSIPAS: Of course. I mean, you never see Novak pulling out of any tournament. I had to concentrate on my match because I had to go practice and get ready for my match tonight, but I didn't think about it too much.

Novak, I could see that he was injured last evening with CerĂșndolo, but he managed to come back. Well, that's an amazing skill that he has to be able to compete at that level injured and prevail in such ways.

I don't know. Well, I guess it might help some other players now to open up the window of maybe one of them clinching one extra Grand Slam title.

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