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June 6, 2024

Alexander Zverev

Paris, France

Press Conference

A. ZVEREV/A. de Minaur

6-4, 7-6, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Well done. Another semifinal reached at Roland Garros. What are you most pleased of tonight?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Look, great. I'm in another semifinal here, which I'm very pleased about.

Of course I want to win one. I want to be in the finals. That's my main focus. But I think from the level today, it was a good match for me. Yeah, happy to be where I am.


Q. Before we go on to your triumph, can I ask you about Alex de Minaur and his performance. He said he left his heart out there as he always does. Do you see that as a big improvement in him?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: I mean, he's always done that. That hasn't changed, for sure.

I think there's other areas he's improved in. His serve has improved tremendously, his second serve, especially.

Yeah, but obviously a great player. Yeah, nothing more to say.

He's, you know, he's a top contender for Turin this year, as well. Obviously he has improved a lot.

Q. Did it feel to you as if it all kind of hinged on that second set there?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: I think it was definitely important for me to win that set, for sure. Also physically speaking, I felt fine. I felt like, okay, I can go five sets again. But I also do know that it's better not to.

Just in the long term, I feel like it was important for me to have a straight-set win again and have kind of my full energy for the semifinals.

Q. On that second-set tiebreak, how did you turn that around from Love-4? And then also if you could just look ahead to playing Casper.

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, I mean, I stayed calm. I knew that the conditions today are extremely difficult to hit winners. I knew that it has to go the long way sometimes, and that's what I did in the tiebreak.

The serve today didn't play such a big role as it did maybe the other days just because it was very, very slow.

Look, of course when you're down 4-0 in the tiebreak, it is great to win it, and it's great to be up two sets to love rather than one set all.

Q. Casper?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, great player. Look, two finals in a row, third semifinal in a row, that speaks for itself. He's one of the best players on this surface, for sure. I think I have to play my best tennis to have a chance.

Q. Did you ever think it was a possibility you might not be able to play in this tournament because of the case going on in Berlin?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: No, they made it very clear from the beginning that I don't have to be there. You know, I think everything is going accordingly. Everything is going okay from my side and from my point of view. There's nothing else to say.

Q. Aside from whether you needed to be there, I guess, whether anyone in tennis would stop you from participating?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: No. Why? There's no reason.

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