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June 6, 2024

Laura Siegemund

Edouard Roger-Vasselin

Paris, France

Press Conference


6-4, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations on this win. You've won your first mixed doubles title in Roland Garros. A few words on this achievement.

LAURA SIEGEMUND: Yes, it's incredible. These are the matches for which you really want to play. The crowd was fantastic with the French supporting me.

On my side, it's just something you dream about. And mixed is very difficult to win, really, because there are throughout the tournament and throughout the matches so many tight situations that it's sometimes also just a little bit of luck here and there.

But overall, I'm super happy, super excited. Also, I really enjoyed playing with Edouard, because it was a great communication. I think we had really similar mindset about how the mixed works. It's just great to have someone who can play so many different things and tactics, and I really enjoyed that.

EDOUARD ROGER-VASSELIN: No, obviously was very special for me to win at home. Really thankful for Laura to say yes to me, like, two hours before the deadline. It's a nice story, and at the end of the week, here we have the trophy here.

Yeah, really nice to win at home. I mean, it's the biggest tournament for me, so having the trophy here ten years after I won in doubles also here, so it's quite special. I really enjoy to win also on that court with the crowd with us, yeah, it was amazing. I will have these memories for at least ten more years. (Laughter.)

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Can you just tell a bit more about the story of you guys deciding two hours before the deadline to join forces. You had a great run obviously, and you showed great chemistry, but I've been stunned to hear that it happened two hours before the deadline.

LAURA SIEGEMUND: You can say what your situation was. Mine was simple: I just want to play (smiling).

EDOUARD ROGER-VASSELIN: Yeah, I was supposed to play with the French girl to maybe, you know, have some matches to prepare the Olympics. Didn't work out for many reason. I will not go with the details. But yeah, like, two days before I had nobody. Then I was trying to get some also other French girls to play with me, and they were all set.

Yeah, the last day, I had no one. Then, yeah, just remember that, okay, Laura, I check the list, I didn't see you on the list. I was, like, okay, just give it a try. I mean, we spoke many times also in the past. I was, like, okay, let's see, maybe she doesn't want to play, maybe she's already set. Too bad for me. Yeah. Here we are (smiling).

LAURA SIEGEMUND: Yeah, and for me, I thought it's difficult, because I play singles and doubles and mixed. It's a lot. But then I played on Sunday early, and I lost. Because, you know, usually I don't like to do the last-minute things, because, yeah, with the ranking that I have and the players I'm looking for to pair up with, you want to kind of really talk in advance.

It was difficult because I couldn't say if I will really play. Just my singles schedule playing already on Sunday, I knew, okay, I'm out of that. But then that last minute is not easy to find good players. No disrespect, also someone with 40, 50, is a great player. But I'm looking for someone who I can go really far with in the tournament. And there was nobody there anymore.

Then I was, like, okay, yeah, I'm just not going to sign up then. Because just to participate, then I really want to focus on the doubles.

Then he texted me literally two hours before. I was like, okay, that's really the kind of player I'm absolutely looking for. And then we had many times I wanted to play really bad with him, and he was set already or some other situation.

Then I was, like, okay, I cannot say no to this. I'm really happy that I decided to say yes. (Laughter.)


THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.

Q. So it's not a question for your match. It's a question for Moise Kouame. What do you think of this player? We have an incredible progression. We see him in the media everywhere. From your experience, seeing that from outside, are we putting too much pressure on a young player, or is it a unique player?

EDOUARD ROGER-VASSELIN: Both. I haven't had the occasion to see him play. I read and saw the results and all the attention on him. When you're so young, it's difficult, so I hope he's well surrounded to stay with his feet on the ground and his head on his shoulder, but if you have a new prodigy, would be fantastic. But the path is still long and he's still very young.

But we would be delighted for him to be the next generation to participate in Roland Garros in the main draw very soon. We have a beautiful generation coming up, and they have to keep pushing from the bottom. We shouldn't put too much pressure on him, because it can take time. If it's fast, good news. Otherwise let's give him time.

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