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June 6, 2024

Mirra Andreeva

Paris, France

Press Conference

J. PAOLINI/M. Andreeva

6-3, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Mirra, not the result you wanted today, but over the last two weeks, can you summarize your performance? Obviously your first semifinal in a Grand Slam.

MIRRA ANDREEVA: Yes, I would say it's a good result despite the loss. So I can take a lot of positive at this tournament. Yeah, of course, I'm a bit disappointed from today's match outcome, but it is what it is. So we have to move on.

THE MODERATOR: English questions, please.

Q. You made a great tournament I think. To beat Sabalenka doesn't happen every day, so you should be satisfied about that. What did surprise you the most of what happened today: Your performance that you were hoping to play better or that she did something that you didn't expect in a way? She was playing a lot in front, not looking too much for the angles, just to not give you the chance probably to play your best shots. I don't know if that is right what I'm saying or if you think something different.

MIRRA ANDREEVA: Well, honestly, I could have played better, of course. I had a lot of mistakes. The ones that I usually not do. Yeah, that was a bit tough to accept.

I tried to manage and to fight through it, but I guess today was not the day. And, of course, I mean, she played good. She played some good tennis. She was playing semis for a reason, so she showed some great level of tennis today.

Yeah, I was struggling throughout the whole match, but yeah, it is what it is. It just what happened today. I can take a lot of positive from these two weeks.

But yeah, still I think for the next few days I will be a little bit disappointed, but I will still be watching the finals, so yeah.

Q. I know you're still pretty early on in this career. What are some of the things you find have helped you so far to get over disappointments like this and to move on from other things that you do that make you happy, make you feel good, and just make you feel like going back out and getting at it again?

MIRRA ANDREEVA: Honestly, I haven't found this thing yet. After the losses, it's always tough to start to think positive again. I mean, maybe not for everyone, but for me I only have negative thoughts coming first. Then if I talk to my team, maybe a few days will go on. Then maybe after I will have -- well, I will have some thoughts that maybe I played good here, maybe I could have done better here. Overall it was a good tournament.

So I think for now I will just need a couple of days to just wait until the negative thoughts will go away and I can just clearly see the situation and then to make some conclusions out of this trip. That's it.

Q. I just wondered how you find the experience of playing in a Grand Slam semifinal? Was it kind of as you expected, and has it given you kind of the taste for a lot more now?

MIRRA ANDREEVA: If you would ask me in the beginning of the tournament that do I expect to be in the semifinals, I would say no. Somebody would tell me in the beginning of the week, well, you will be playing semifinals here, I was, like, What, stop joking.

That was something I didn't really expect, but I was just playing out there, trying my best. I think when you just play -- well, me, it works like when I play with no thoughts and I just try to enjoy the moment, I play the best. So that's what I did on these few matches before.

Yeah, so I didn't really expect myself in the semis, but I was playing there in the end.

Q. You said you would be disappointed for a few days. What does disappointed Mirra Andreeva look like? Do you get grumpy? Do you like to be on your own? Do you need someone to take it out on? What does that look like?

MIRRA ANDREEVA: I would say that I stay in my bed. I sleep for 12 hours. I do nothing. Well, we will have to travel to go back home, so I will not talk a lot. I will be, like, too down on myself. I will never ask some questions. If somebody asks me, well, I will answer with a few words, and then I would rather somebody not to talk to me at all.

Yeah, but it's always easier with your team around and with your family because they make you feel better. So today I was actually talking okay, not just few words. So, yeah, I think maybe I'm improving a little bit in this stuff. But yeah, I think for next few days I will be not talking a lot (smiling).

Q. Just on the lighter side, I just wanted to ask: Is it better to have reached a semifinal in a Grand Slam or to a have finally gotten a picture with Andy Murray?

MIRRA ANDREEVA: Both are good. Both are good. It was a nice moment in the beginning of the tournament because I had a gift. I had, like, retro camera. I was, like, well, I have to do a lot of photos. I had 25 or 30 pictures that I can do.

So, well, I made a list with who I want to take a picture. Of course, Andy, he was first on the list because, I mean, we had a few interactions, but I don't even have a photo with him. I was, like, well, we need to fix that.

I saw him few times before, but he was warming up, he was eating. So I was, like, well, next time, next time. Then on that day I saw him just talking to his team. I was, like, Well, he's busy, no, no, no. My coach was, like, No, you go, you do it, and after we forget about it.

So she kind of pushed me to him. Well, finally, I had a picture with him.

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