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June 9, 2024

Morgan Metraux

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, three days down here at the ShopRite LPGA Classic; 11-under overall. How are you feeling after your three days here?

MORGANE METRAUEX: Really good. I had a lot of momentum coming from my win on the LET, but I didn't have my A-game this week so feels really good to get to that score without my best stuff, yeah.

Q. What was it like being able to build off what you were able to do a few weeks ago on the LET?

MORGANE METRAUEX: Yeah, had some issues with my wrist earlier, actually starting end of the season last year, and it kind kept going earlier of this year.

So I struggled with that and now it finally feels like I'm getting on top of it. I can actually play free now, which is the best feeling.

Q. Was that week kind of when everything really clicked together of what you've been working on and also dealing with the injury?

MORGANE METRAUEX: Yeah, so on the LET when I played there, it's in Evian; I love that place. I was just feeling all the good vibes. It's close to home and it just really put everything together, and just seemed to take that with me over here.

Q. And here we are. To be able to climb the leaderboard like you did today, what was your mindset and game plan heading into this mind day?

MORGANE METRAUEX: Yeah, so I knew I needed to shoot a really low one if I wanted to come close to the top of the leaderboard.

After a couple holes I saw that Linnea had a really, really low one today. I saw she posted 14-under, so knew it would take a rally low one. I actually made a lot of putts in the first few holes, got it going.

Then around the turn, I missed a shorter one on 9 and on 12 I three-putted. So didn't quite get it all the way. Then regrouped and play for myself again and just free and finished well.

Q. I think you talked a little bit about it when you won Jabra, in the same vein, this string of play, to be able to hit this groove with the summer Olympics upon us, how much has that been a goal throughout the entire season?

MORGANE METRAUEX: Yeah, there are always many goals in my head, Olympics being a big one for sure. I know it was pretty close with another Swiss player, so winning Jabra was important, because she got second.

So, yeah, she's been doing really well. I want to wear the Swiss outfit and be there. Yeah, it would be amazing. Obviously not quite over, but I think this week will definitely help. That will be fun.

Q. How much does a round or a weekend like this give your confidence moving forward?

MORGANE METRAUEX: The fact that I was actually able to play really well in the wind without my best stuff is a big confidence booster. I'm going to get to my best stuff so I can do better.

Feels good to be able to shoot this score with the game I had.

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