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June 9, 2024

Atthaya Thitikul

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Atthaya. Another bogey-free day. Second in a row. What was the mindset heading into the final round?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I mean, like today I think it's going to be really like tough day as well, I mean, like to make a score because the wind is so strong out there when we played.

So just coming through this round pretty, you know, like more confident and also like trying to go hit it low out there as well, yeah.

Q. When it comes to No. 9, we've seen an eagle or two from you this week. Overall, what was working so well on that hole today?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Overall I think all the par-5 -- I never make a putt on the par-5 at all this week. I think -- yeah, I think so. All birdies and eagles.

I just maybe thank you to all the par-5 they have here. If no par-5 I'm not going to make it any birdie at all because I can't really putt this green well, you know.

So, yeah, just like make the putt on like hole No. 9; hit it pretty good on the second shot as well.

Q. How far did you hit it on the second shot?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I think it's like 218 to the pin, but I'm on the rough which is like -- maybe it's help because it's run-off.

Q. To be able to close with the birdie on 18, get yourself into what looks like another Top 5 finish, how does that make you feel after coming back and getting into the swing of things and posting a solid score?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I mean, like in the beginning of the first round I don't think -- even I think just made the cut is better than anything, because I think coming through like hole No. 8 on the first round I plus-1, plus-two, something like that.

So finishing here strong, not my A-game yet on this week, but still on Top 5, it's just like a lot -- boost a lot of the confidence, that sometimes when I miss -- I don't have to be perfect every time I play.

It's just a sign that if you miss but can still bounce back, which is, yeah, give more confident.

Q. There is a lot of exciting things to come: Couple more majors left in the bag; Olympics on the horizon. What does a tournament like this do to get the momentum back in your favor?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, at first my schedule was skipping this event at first, at the beginning of the year. But after I get injured and then just came back in Chevron, and then I just told my caddie, my coach, my manager, that I really want to get into the competition feelings that I have lose it on the beginning of the year.

So I'm glad that I coming here. I know it's not the best week yet that I play or perform out there, but I think it's kind of like it's give me something the key words of it is, because like I really trust myself and committed on the shot that I play.

So I think it's give me a lot of, not just the confident, but a lot of the thing that's going to my mind.

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