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June 9, 2024

Linnea Strom

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Linnea, we're going to break down this day here. First off, you make the cut on the number; you're in the third group off today. What's the mindset heading into a day like this?

LINNEA STROM: Yesterday I actually played very good. I had a colorful back nine, and I actually ended up making a bogey 17 and had to hole a putt on 18 to make the cut on the number.

So I think I had that with me going into today, that I knew that most of the things in my game are working, so I just tried to stay present and hopefully get something going today.

So I think my mindset going into today was just trying to enjoy it and make as many birdies as I could.

So, I did.

Q. First birdie came on the first par-5 that you saw. What was working well there?

LINNEA STROM: Yeah, hit two good shots and was on the green in two, so was a pretty easy birdie. Then I got some good birdies after that as well. Hit some shots pretty close.

So, yeah, I mean, I guess tried to enjoy it and just take one shot at a time the whole day.

Q. When did you feel this could be the round of your life?

LINNEA STROM: I'm not sure. Obviously after my eagle on 9, an eagle is always fun and nice to get something extra. Felt like a bonus today with the chip-in on 9.

I tried to just reset going into the back nine. Yeah, just enjoy it and have fun out there with my caddie.

Q. How far was the chip-in on 9?

LINNEA STROM: I was maybe five meters short of the green, yeah. Yeah, it was a good chip. Yeah.

Q. When you woke up this morning did you have a number in mind that you wanted just to make some money or whatever?

LINNEA STROM: I think as the round went going, like after the first, second birdie, I told myself if I try and get it to 8-under, like the total, so 5-under for the day.

But then it gets to a point when you reach that and still have many holes to go, then I just tell myself, don't worry about it. Just hit good shots and the scores will come.

So I think I managed that very well today, and I think that's what you have to do when you have a round like this. You just have to try and reset every hole.

Q. What does it feel like to be in a zone like you were today?

LINNEA STROM: It feels great. I mean, every golfer knows that it's not always like this, so I think really have to enjoy the days when everything goes your way.

So I'm just trying to embrace that today and enjoy it. You know, learn from everything I can learn from. So, yeah.

Q. Marina told us you only had 20 putts today. What was obviously working for you on the greens?

LINNEA STROM: I mean, I feel like I've been putting pretty good all week. I think I had that in mind. I just tried to hit some good shots and give myself good putt opportunities out there.

And I holed a couple, but I would say also hit some wedges pretty close to the pin. So I don't feel like I holed long-ish putts. It was like more on the shorter side which is always fun.

Q. Was there a hole or shot where you said to yourself, wow, I really got something going on today?

LINNEA STROM: Think my eagle on No. 9 kind of was a little bit of a turning point, because I just came off a birdie on No. 8 and then eagle on 9.

So it's always a little bit of an energy boost to get an eagle like middle of the round.

Q. Yesterday on 18, how far was that putt to make the cut and how much pressure did you feel?

LINNEA STROM: I think I had like a 12-, 15-footer. It was a bit of pressure on that one yesterday. Obviously feels good to make that when you know you have to make it. It's always good to practice on that kind of pressure, and I think I had that a little bit in my head today.

The last couple holes when I started to get a little bit nervous I just tried to see the lines and make good strokes out there.

It worked today.

Q. Do you have to change your plans now? Were you planning to get out of here early? Obviously got to hang around. What are you going to do for the next four hours?

LINNEA STROM: No, I actually have a flight tomorrow going to Grand Rapids, so my dad is here for the week. Just going to enjoy lunch and see what happens. We have no rush so just going to leave at that point.

Q. When you got to the 18th tee here, did you have any thoughts about an eagle and 59?

LINNEA STROM: Like I said, I knew I had a good score going, but I didn't think I was that close to 59. Obviously now unfortunate that I wasn't able to hit the green in two.

But it is what it is, and I still did my best and I'm happy that I was able to make a birdie at the end.

Q. I was going to say, I would love to break down the last three birdies coming in. You talked about your nerves peaking in the last couple holes. You still rose to the occasion when the cameras came out. Did you notice more people following you in that moment?

LINNEA STROM: I did a little bit. Playing with like Marina, she doesn't live too far from here, so I think she had a couple people following her from the beginning, which was kind of nice. It felt like if I started playing good, they started cheering for me as well.

It was fun and I embraced it. You know, I kind of haven't played that good beginning of the season so I've been missing this feeling a little bit. It's fun to see people out there and cheering you on. I knew I had my dad out there following too so nice to have those support for those three days.

Yeah, I mean, obviously towards the last three holes got a little bit nervous, but nice to hit it close on 16; tap-in birdie.

Holed a good putt on 17 and 18 so it was good.

Q. For your dad to come in, has it always been plan that had he would come in this week. Did he come in last week?

LINNEA STROM: No. I mean, I was home in Sweden last week. Needed to recharge and see my coach back home, just have some down time with my family.

So we kind of decided last minute because I just asked him, do you want to come to any events. He was like, yeah. It's a pretty short trip coming here to the east coast is pretty much booked a flight last minute. It worked out well.

Q. For just your confidence level after a day like this, have you ever felt as comfortable on a course like today?

LINNEA STROM: If I'm being honest I'm working on my swing a lot at the moment, so it might not look like it, but there are still some things I'm struggling with swing-wise. So I didn't hit every shot perfect today, but I think I managed it well. I missed in the right places.

So I mean, that's just golf. Some days it's all going to work. Today I hit my wedges good, putted well, so I think, yeah, just, yeah.

Q. In a true showing of Swedish golf, while you were on the golf course, Linn Grant at Scandi-Mixed had a 7-under day; able to take home that title. You two are good friends and alums. In general when you hear that, what does that mean to you?

LINNEA STROM: I actually checked the score before I walked to the first tee this morning and I saw she was like 6-under after ten holes. I was like, I mean, in my head I was like, I won't be surprised if she just goes and wins it.

It's obviously been very impressive the last couple years and always said ever since she came out on the LPGA kind of pushed me a little bit to work hard and get better.

She's a great role model and a great player, so I really admire what she's doing.

Q. What's your dad's name?


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