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June 8, 2024

Ssu-Chia Cheng

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Ssu-Chia, last group of the day but able to close it out after a 6-under day overall. How are you feeling after day two here?

SSU-CHIA CHENG: Feel great. I always like to coming back in Atlantic City, and then I think it's a great golf course. Then it's a three-day tournament. I think everybody loves it.

Yeah, just really happy about the day. You know, just out there having fun, yeah.

Q. We were just talking about that you got into the U.S. Women's Open; obviously a much different environment, much different course. What's it like to go from a course where you're grinding every day to being on a scorable course like this?

SSU-CHIA CHENG: Yeah, I love U.S. Open. I love how it's like how challenging it is and how tough the course is. And also the vibe. Just everything about U.S. Open.

But also like coming here, like you know if you hit bad tee shot, like if you're in the rough you'll be okay. Still got a chance to get it on the green; maybe a birdie.

So it's a little different mindset I would say, yeah.

Q. Today having that eagle on No. 3; walk me through what was working so well there.

SSU-CHIA CHENG: I had a good drive. Pretty decent 3-wood going up the green, and then me and caddie had nice read for about like 20-footer eagle putt.

So, yeah, it's a good hole.

Q. This is obviously a scorable place.


Q. I think every single week everyone wants to take advantage of the par-5s. In a place where birdies are everywhere, how crucial is it to have moments like that on the par-5s?

SSU-CHIA CHENG: Yeah, I just feel like you have a couple gettable par-5s out here. You just really have to take advantage out here. Like sometimes you walk off with a par and feel like you made a bogey.

Yeah, it's always nice to have an eagle, you know, so...

Q. Coming into this week, what are you drawing on? What are you thinking of being in contention going into tomorrow?

SSU-CHIA CHENG: Honestly, you know, like I think tomorrow just another day. Just got to go out there, another day for golf and trying to have fun out there.

Yeah, that's about it.

Q. We talked about how last group today but be able to sleep in a little bit tomorrow. What's that feel like for you tomorrow?

SSU-CHIA CHENG: Just really awesome. It's always a goal for every week to have a late as tee times as you can, so, yeah.

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