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June 8, 2024

Sepp Straka

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. Sepp, what did you do best out there today?

SEPP STRAKA: I drove it really well. I drove it in some -- I hit driver a lot when maybe the last couple days I would hit 3-wood or so. Just gave myself a lot of iron shots into the greens and then the iron shots were, honestly, not as good today as the last couple days, but the putter cooperated and the short game was there, so it was kind of an all-around effort.

Q. Do you feel like -- and we've talked over the last couple months, that your game's in one of the best places it's been in your career?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, no doubt. The fact that I'm talking to you a lot more recently probably shows that. But, yeah, it's definitely been in a good spot, ball striking has been really good, so yeah, hopefully I can keep it rolling.

Q. What goes into wanting to hit driver more today?

SEPP STRAKA: Mostly the wind was a little bit of a different direction. A couple times I was able to push it up a little further than I had been.

On 1 I hit driver the last couple days, but I wasn't able to get it down as far as I did today.

9, I hit driver today because it was into, got it down there a little further. Mostly just the wind that kind of determined that.

Q. How satisfying is it to not have a bogey on this course? That's obviously hard to do.

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, it's great. Every hole's a bogey hole out there. You can make bogey on any hole, or worse. So it was nice to kind of get out of there unscathed.

Q. When you see who is at the top of the leaderboard and you know how good he is, how well he's playing, what he can do, how does that change or not a player's mindset? You want to win, but you also have to stay within your own game.

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, for sure. Scottie -- if Scottie does what Scottie does, it's hard to beat him. But honestly, if anything, it might make it a little bit easier, especially on a Saturday, because you're not really worried about putting yourself up there ahead of him or, I don't know, it just makes it a little bit more comforting that if he's playing his game there's not really much I can do. But, yeah, especially on Saturdays, you don't really look at that too much. It's unbelievable what he's doing. Every time you look up at the leaderboard, no matter where you are, he's up there. So even his off weeks, I mean he's finishing like 2nd, 3rd, 5th, whatever. So, yeah, very impressive, but you just got to play your own game.

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