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June 8, 2024

Gina Kim

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Gina, walk me through what happened there on No. 9.

GINA KIM: Yeah, obviously day itself wasn't going great. It's the last hole. At that point I had nothing to lose. That was our mindset.

Funny enough, my caddie, John, he's like, Gina, who knows, we might make an albatross here. Nothing is impossible. I had like 215 to the front of the green, 220 something, I don't quite remember.

But I took a 3-wood and punched it through the wind, and it was falling on the line exactly where we were aiming at. I didn't see where it went but everybody went crazy. I thought to myself, even though today was a crummy day, it's moments like these that make it worth it, that makes us wanted to keep training for more.

Q. When you heard the cheers, what was going through your mind?

GINA KIM: Oh, my gosh. Where does that put me now? Am I going to make the cut or not?

And so, you know, obviously minus-2 is a little tight to be honest, but I don't know, I think it's -- regardless whether I make the cut or not it's those moments people cheering for you and you seeing something that you never imagined that would've happened that went your way, it serves really good vibes for Meijer.

I'm going to take that. Regardless of what happens this week, I feel good about next week.

Q. First albatross of your career?

GINA KIM: First albatross. I don't know, might be the last. I have not a clue. First one, yes.

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