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June 8, 2024

Narin An

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. Three birdies on the card today.


Q. What do you feel you did best?

NARIN AN: Just putting was important I think like whole week, I mean, like whole golf.

Putting was good.

Q. What putts stand out the most today?

NARIN AN: Stand out means?

Q. Which one do you think of? Did you make a long one?

NARIN AN: I made a like middle one and short one, but depends on the speed.

Q. What do you think of poana? Did you feel it get bumpy?

NARIN AN: Yeah, so bumpy, in the afternoon especially, yeah.

Q. This course also gets windy, a lot of wind.


Q. How do you feel you conquered that wind today?

NARIN AN: I was try to use the wind with my play. But, yeah, sometimes good. That's why like my score like back and forth. (Smiling.)

Q. You had a birdie on the par-3, 17th. Short par-3, No. 17.

NARIN AN: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Q. What happened there? Walk us through this hole?

NARIN AN: Slightly into the wind from the tee, so I hit pitching wedge there, like just below the hole, putted, birdie. (Smiling.)

Q. What did you take away from last week and your play going into this week?

NARIN AN: I think here a bit easier than last week definitely, but it's about the same. Like hitting in it the fairway and then hitting to the green, and good putt is going to be make a good score.

Q. Do you watch leaderboards? Do you look at leaderboards on this course?

NARIN AN: Yeah, sometimes.

Q. Did you look at any today?

NARIN AN: Yeah, few times I did.

Q. What does it mean about your play to see your name up there in contention?

NARIN AN: I think today was not that affect me, affected my play, yeah.

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