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June 8, 2024

Adam Hadwin

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you describe that round from you today?

ADAM HADWIN: It was pretty solid, for the most part. Obviously, 14 was a bit of a disaster. Nice bounce-back on 15. A little more scrambley towards the end. I struck it really well the front, didn't make a whole lot, and then -- difficult golf course. Just didn't execute golf shots and thankfully kind of scrambled my way a little bit there. I don't know if I have a chance tomorrow. You know, you give four shots to the best player in the world, it's kind of difficult. But I did go post 66 earlier this week, so hopefully do it again tomorrow.

Q. You're only down four, but yet you just said you're not sure. What's it like to be chasing Scottie Scheffler, the way he's playing right now? And you had a firsthand view of it today, obviously.

ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, I mean, he's as solid as they come. He's the No. 1 player in the world for a reason. He's far and above the No. 1 player in the world, I believe, especially after watching today. Obviously, a couple holes there where some things didn't go his way, but the way he started and the way -- like, the sound that he hits it with and the ball flight and the shape of the shots, I mean, I don't expect him to lose this golf tournament, so one of us is going to have to make a run tomorrow.

Q. What's the mindset that you have to have when you are chasing him, especially when you're playing with him, but even not?

ADAM HADWIN: It's hard to be aggressive around this place -- or too aggressive around this place. You do that and you start chasing birdies and you'll shoot 80 before you even know it. So I did great job early. I hit some really good shots early. I just didn't see anything fall. That's what I'm going to have to do tomorrow, just keep staying patient, keep hitting a ton of greens, giving myself looks, and really trying to make the round as easy as possible.

Q. After the 66 on Thursday, have you felt it firming up on you at all out there? I know it's hot, I know the wind is blowing. Has that been the difference between 66 and then two 72s?

ADAM HADWIN: I don't think it's just golf course. I played a, like, flawless round of golf the first day. Like I said, I probably hit it well enough to be 4- or 5-under on the front nine today. I just didn't see the putts drop and that's what happened on Thursday. I hit it well, combined with making some good putts as well, and then I carried momentum for 18 holes, not just 12 holes or so, like did I today.

So I'm right there. Obviously, a big event for us, lots of FedExCup points, and we'll see if we can at least give Scottie something to think about tomorrow.

Q. Did you ever think about using putter at 14?

ADAM HADWIN: I considered hybrid, actually. I really did. I just thought I would have to play too much break. I wanted to take some of the break out. I hit the shot. It was just the wrong club selection. I should have gone down to a sand wedge instead of a gap wedge, just skipped a little too hard.

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