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June 8, 2024

Scottie Scheffler

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. Quite a diverse scorecard for Scottie Scheffler. You had a couple bogeys, a triple bogey, but you also had six birdies. How would you describe that round today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I felt like I played pretty good, outside of one poor swing on No. 9 that got a horrible break, after that, it was a shot that, on any other hole, it would be in the left rough, and there it hit a tree and went out of bounds. So a really tough break there, but did a good job resetting and bouncing back, had the nice birdie on 10 and 12 and did a good job kind of staying in the round today.

Q. When you have kind of a shocking moment like you did on 9, how do you reset? What do you tell yourself?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I hadn't really hit many shots off-line the whole day until that one. So, like I said, it was a slight pull. It wasn't anything drastic. Just got a bad break. Teddy told me, you're still swinging it great, just keep doing what you're doing, and it was a nice bounce-back on the next.

Q. How difficult was this course today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Really challenging with the winds being up and how firm the greens get. They're definitely getting faster too, which I think make it's more challenging as well. So I think it's only going to get tougher as the round goes on tomorrow as well.

Q. What do you do tomorrow if it gets tougher? Is it the same thing or do you maybe be a little less risky?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: No, I think you still got to play the course the right way. This is one of those places where there's certain holes where you just got to step up and hit a great shot. There's a lot of spots out there where if you play too conservative, you can get into some pretty tough spots pretty quick, so just do your best to execute and when you need to, just really hit great shots.

Q. You started this day with a three-shot lead, you ended with a four-shot lead. What are you committed to tomorrow?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Just my shots and, like I said, the golf course, I think it's going to get tougher, the greens are going to get firmer. I would assume the fairways are going to get firmer as well and so it should be another tough day out there and looking forward to the challenge.

Q. What happened on the bunker shot?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I think I just caught it a little thin. It was a long bunker shot.

Q. Yeah, it was a hard one.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah. I mean, that was another one where you hit it in the fairway, you can get a mud ball, and this time it flew the other way, so...

Q. You've made, like, 2,000 birdies this year, so you don't mind us talking about the one bogey for a change, but how far off line were you off the tee on 9?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I mean, my guess is it probably would have ended up about 15 yards left of the fairway if it hadn't hit the tree. Yeah.

No, the tree is -- I mean, if it hadn't have hit the trunk of the tree, I probably still would have been where I was, instead of hitting my fifth shot, I would have been hitting my third, you know what I mean?

Q. (Wind noise.)

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I know I got off to a bad start on Saturday, but other than that, I don't think I had a triple.

Q. (Wind noise.) You're in the bunker, you hit it about 7 feet. What was that club?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Pitching wedge. That was a shot that we actually practiced because that's kind of the miss off that tee. With the wind direction the way it is, in off the left, I typically like to fade it, so that would be my miss. We actually practiced that shot, not to that specific pin, but I had a good idea what I needed to get up over the lip and then caught it really solid and was fortunate that it stayed up on top there.

Q. On 10 you hit I think it was an 8-iron, wasn't it?


Q. To a back pin to 10 feet for another birdie. I mean, you bounced back from the penalties very quickly.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, yeah, that's why I think I was able to keep good momentum going in my round, versus letting the mistakes or bad breaks or whatever bother me. I felt I was swinging it really well, so a couple bad breaks shouldn't ruin the rest of my day.

Q. (Wind noise.)

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I was just frustrated. It was like, I feel like I hadn't hit many shots at all today off line and I had a triple on my card and I was all of a sudden one over par. So I was definitely frustrated with the break, but overall I was like, I'm still swinging it really good, I didn't need to change anything, I just need to stay in the right frame of mind.

Q. Were you satisfied with the round today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I mean, I played good. Like I said -- obviously I wish I could have 18 back -- but overall I think I played pretty solid, just got a couple bad breaks and it's going to happen around this golf course. I mean, the golf course is really challenging. You're not going to -- you're not always going to get good breaks, you're not always going to get good lies, so yeah I feel like I played solid today.

Q. (Wind noise.)

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: There was really no great spot there. If I try to go for -- the problem was the tree in front of me, I couldn't get it under that tree and over the next one and it seemed like kind of an unnecessary risk. Whereas, if I chased it down there onto the left, with the pin being back, even if I was in the rough I could run something back there and get a good look at double, so that felt like the right strategy.

Q. (Wind noise.)

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I don't know. Yeah, should be, I mean.

Q. How do you approach that? Like you were tied or two behind?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I don't really change anything. I'm going to go out tomorrow and try and have a good round of golf, keep my head down and stay in my own little world out there. I'm not going to really pay any attention to what anybody else is doing out there, I'm just going to try and do my best.

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