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June 8, 2024

Albane Valenzuela

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Albane, overall what was some of the key differences between day one and day two?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Windy definitely this morning. I thought, yeah, that course played actually pretty tough. They tucked some pins on like 14. I think like 16 as well.

So some of them were a little more challenging than yesterday. Overall, hung in there and I hit some really good wedge shots. Gave myself I think three tap-in birdies which is always nice.

Q. Where were those?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: So tap-in on 10, tap-in on 8, and then almost tap-in on 5. Right, caddie?


ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yes. So, yeah, pretty good.

Q. What's so interesting about this course, obviously the wind makes it harder for everyone, but the way that it gusts here.


Q. What do you do to control yourself when it gets a little too gusty? We talked about it a little bit yesterday, but even so when you're getting it in the morning as well?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, I mean, just trying to keep my expectations low. Even with the putts, like it gets pretty bumpy out here and I just have zero expectations. I just try and do my best, commit to my line, hit it as good as I can. If it goes in, goes in. If it doesn't, no big deal.

Same with like wind and shots. Just try not to have too many high expectations, do my best, and if it's a bad shot, it's a bad shot, and if it's a great shot, it's a great shot.

Q. What's it like to see where your score is right now, still to be in contention? We've seen your name up the leaderboard couple times this year. What does that mean in your game and how comfortable you're feeling out here?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, my game has been feeling good over the last few months and just putting didn't necessarily catch up to it, and I'm finally seeing some better rolls.

I think that's how it gets reflected on the scorecard. Coming out of last week I think was a really good prep. It was such a hard course and such a grind, and you get here and definitely see more birdies than last week. Last week was a luxury to get birdie looks.

So just feels nice to be on a scorable course like this one. Yeah, I love this place. Two good finishes the last two years so just have good memories here.

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