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June 8, 2024

Megan Khang

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Megan, kind of want to talk about that consecutive streak of birdies yesterday, the way that that went. Walk me through the end of yesterday going into today.

MEGAN KHANG: It was definitely fun to do. I was very fortunate to hit a tap-in on was it 5, and then 6, you know, followed Ash's lead, followed her into the cup.

Then 7 is where I kind of definitely had some luck involved. It was a front right pin on that long par-3. I kind of pulled my tee shot to the back left of the green and I'm thinking, oh, let's hopefully two-putt.

I make this long putt and I literally -- first time I think I've ever thrown a putter. I just ecstatically threw my putter into the fringe, because I wouldn't do it into the green, and then I was just like pumped.

Then I just like the good vibes kept flowing. Made a good one on 8, and 9 being a reachable par-5 was able to hit two good shots.

Didn't quite get to the green but, was able to get up and down and convert for birdie.

Q. Coming into today and just seeing your name near the top of the leaderboard, how does it feel for you?

MEGAN KHANG: I will admit I haven't been here in a hot minute. The environment, the people, they're all so welcoming. It's really cool out there when you have fans just following you around rooting for me. Reminds me to come back to ShopRite.

And it's fun always being at the top, in contention, having a chance. Obviously the afternoon wave is probably just going off now, so we'll see where I end up at the end of the day.

Other than that, I think we know we're going to have to have a good Sunday and see where that puts us.

Q. How did you find the conditions today on the course and just the wind and all?

MEGAN KHANG: I was hoping we were going to get a nice quiet morning with no wind, but kind of felt like we never left the afternoon from yesterday.

Overall, the wind is going to be there for everyone. Just got to embrace it. I think it is pretty fun trying to shape shots and really kind of flight them.

So just got to take the good and bad and try to take advantage when you can.

Q. You mentioned you don't know where you're going to exactly be tomorrow. What's realistic? How many shots do you think a person has to be at to have a realistic shot?

MEGAN KHANG: I mean, out here we saw 10-under yesterday, so I mean, it's hard to say. You know, I would say it's whoever is putting hot.

But I think realistically, anyone within three or four has a good solid chance. Being in one of the last groups is a little more pressure typically, but being able to be the chaser and be a little more aggressive could work to one's benefit, and hoping it does for me, because I have a feeling I'm going to be chasing tomorrow.

Q. On a course like this where you know there is a potential for low scores, how do you balance being sort of ultra aggressive and get a lot of birdies with sort of I guess playing smart golf, too, like not get carried away basically?

MEGAN KHANG: For me, there will be some holes I can definitely take advantage of. It all comes down to staying within myself and doing my own game plan. Can't really control what other people are doing. Some girls are just going to hit longer than me and that's a fact.

Just play to my strengths and stay patient out there and enjoy the round with my caddie, Jack.

Q. Vancouver was kind of that same feel of the buzz a little bit being near the water. I know definitely not same kind of course. Do you feel a little bit of similarity the way you're playing it this week? I might be just throwing that out there. When you feel like the vibes when you think about your last win?

MEGAN KHANG: Funny enough, I came in here and I was like, Ah, man, the bugs are just like Canada. Obviously completely different golf course. At the same time, it's nice playing in New England. This was the closest event up until this year with it being -- Massachusetts is my home state.

Definitely nice to have not quite the home town vibe, but New England is New England. We stay tight knit up here.

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