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June 8, 2024

Jenny Shin

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. Now welcomed by Jenny Shin. 2-under 69 today, 10-under for the championship. Walk me through the round. Six birdies and four bogeys today. You finished with two birdies. Talk through your round a little bit today.

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, it was quite windy today, and at some point it was windier than yesterday. I fully expected not having any wind in the morning, so that took me by surprise.

I think I was a little bit rattled on the front nine. Kind of, yeah, bummed out that certain birdie holes were pretty tough today. Yeah, had a few miss-clubbings coming down No. 7; 6 as well. Got up and down but 7 I couldn't do that. 7 is a -- sorry, I'm getting holes confused. 16. Because I played the back nine yesterday.

Q. Right.

JENNY SHIN: But, yeah, it was tough. Wind direction was slightly different, so it wasn't just straight down or straight into the wind. Like yesterday was more left to right, right to left.

Yeah, it was a scramble but I'm very happy with my two birdies.

Q. With playing in the morning versus the afternoon yesterday, was the mental preparation different or did you take the momentum from yesterday to today?

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, it was a short turnaround, so I didn't think much differently. I did fully expect morning groups to kind of really drive up the leaderboard, and I thought at the end of the day, for me, 16 would be leading.

I kind of wanted like a 7-under for myself as well. But, yeah, again, that wind was really tough. Greens are obviously a little bit quicker in the morning, so there are a few putts I blew by ten feet. Yeah, tough.

Q. Talk about your final two birdies and how long the putts were.

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, they were both inside two feet. No. 17 I had a perfect yardage: 114 into, right to left. That's like a three quarter pitching wedge for me. It landed 113, finished at 14. Yeah, two-footer for birdie.

Then 18, 43 yards to the pin for my third shot. Hit it to two feet.

Yeah, I would say relatively easy birdie putts.

Q. So finishing on a positive note going into tonight and getting ready for tomorrow?

JENNY SHIN: Yeah. I mean, I really hope the wind keeps up for the fairness of the field, because I was looking at the leaderboard and I thought, I don't know if it was windy like this yesterday morning. If it was, that 10-under is incredibly impressive.

So, yeah, for the fairness of the game I really hope the wind keeps up. Looking at the leaderboard, I think we'll have a fun pairing tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

Q. You mentioned the wind in the morning. You mentioned you were a little bit rattled. What goes through your mind on the first tee when you're expecting it to be calm and it's windy? You're like, this isn't supposed to be happening, or how do you react to that?

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, I guess I wasn't prepping to deal with 30 mile per hour wind at 9:00 in the morning, so my mindset did change a little bit. Like, hey, I don't really know what's going to happen today. Might not be a 7-under; might not even be 4-under. Just got to take shot by shot and see what the golf God has laid out for me.

Hopefully no divots and not too many bad lucks.

So, yeah, I didn't be so hard on myself I guess when I did make bogeys.

Q. Did you feel that wind had firmed up the fairways and greens today?

JENNY SHIN: Definitely firmed up the greens on certain holes, like No. 18 was already browning a little bit. I can see how much it dried out.

Yeah, the rough that I was in on the left side was pretty brown.

But generally the golf course, rough has been pretty consistent. I think with the new superintendent the last year or two the rough has been pretty lush and nice. We'll see.

Q. What's the sort of mindset going into tomorrow? (No microphone.) How do you balance aggressiveness with smart golf?

JENNY SHIN: I'm slowly getting used to really attacking the pins. There were a few chip shots today where I was really aggressive. I had a 54 degree, kind of shut the face so I can do a little bump and run.

But it's poana, so a little bit unpredictable. Got to land it near the pin. I'm still getting used to that compared it last week where I'm just like opening up the 58 and hoping it stops within 15 feet, you know.

And this golf course is pretty forgiving if you miss it in the right place. I feel like I don't know what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, but you need a little bit of luck.

You need to make the birdies when they come and you just can't make bogeys. So tomorrow is always about patience I think.

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