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June 8, 2024

Wei-Ling Hsu

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, a little bit different out there today. What were some of the key differences between rounds one and two?

WEI-LING HSU: I think first hole it's -- wind start picking up actually. Not really first hole, but after few holes. So I feel it's the wind a little bit tricky than yesterday, or maybe because I was playing well yesterday so I don't really -- the wind didn't really affected me yesterday.

But today definitely a few shot that I was like a little bit struggle between club. I think there is a couple pin position pretty hard, so it's make little harder than yesterday feel like.

Q. You had the two bogeys at the start. How do you reflect and kind of reset after that?

WEI-LING HSU: Yeah, I mean, those two bogey is -- I don't think it's like I make a huge mistake. It's just like a little bit short on the green and a little bit short on chipping and didn't make the putt.

And I tried to think about yesterday because I made two bogey yesterday, too. So I was like, just the order are a little different, so just stay patient. I knew I can make a lot of birdie when I make the turn.

Q. Right after that you rebounded pretty quickly.


Q. Being able to post four birdies, end the way that you did, how are you feeling about the way that you're attacking Seaview?

WEI-LING HSU: I think I just had a really good mindset after two bogey, and I had a really good shot, what's that hole, 15? I had a birdie on 15 yesterday, and I feel like I can do that again. So I did it. I hit it really, really close on 15.

16 is another long putt so I just keep telling myself there are a lot of opportunities out there. So just stay patient.

Q. How are you feeling about your game after the last two days knowing there is only 18 holes in front of us?

WEI-LING HSU: I feel great. Like I feel confident on my iron and putting, everything pretty good. Just sometime just the wind kind of be outcome so try my best every shot.

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