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June 7, 2024

Jenny Shin

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Jenny, a card full birdies today. What was working so well on day one?

JENNY SHIN: Well, the fact that every hole is birdieable, compared to last week, just helped a lot. A little bit easier just kind of going after the pin, which I didn't do at all.

So, yeah, it was fun. That was the biggest difference: it was fun.

Q. Wasn't as exhausting as Lancaster.

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, wasn't as mentally taxing as the last ten days. And the fact that I've been here so many years, just the familiarity and, you know, familiar crowds as well.

Q. I was going to say, being here for your 13th or 14th appearance; you have been here since 2011 I believe. What is it about this place that you think fits your game the best?

JENNY SHIN: Well, it's been a little bit unfortunate with the weather because I think they got quite a lot of rain so it's not firm enough.

But it was always about ball striking and I grew up our on poana, so I feel like I'm a little bit more comfortable around the greens than other players. I think I have a bit of an advantage with that.

Then just being here for so many years, it's good coming here knowing that I've done well.

Q. I was going to say, doing well but also what does a week like this do to your confidence knowing you're able to put up scores like you did today?

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, it's always nice to be in contention. Doesn't matter what golf course or tournament I'm at.

It's good prep for my KPMG coming up. Ideally for me to have a chance at the Olympics I would have to win this and the KPMG, so I'm going to start with this one and see what I can do and then kind of go from there.

Q. You had a good round putting-wise. How was your iron play?

JENNY SHIN: Yeah, I hit a lot of shots inside ten feet today. Made a ton of them. Missed maybe three putts inside 12 feet.

But the poana really got me. Just got to be really good with the speed here. Tomorrow will be better because it will be less windy, so, yeah.

Q. Were you able to see what Ms. Yubol posted before you started today?

JENNY SHIN: I did see that. I was in the putting green just before teeing off and I saw 10-under. It explains it because I think she finished Top 5 last week.

Yeah, it's interesting. Golf is interesting. I've seen her previous records this year, and it's very different. We'll see what she can do the next two days. Very curious.

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