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June 7, 2024

Christiaan Bezuidenhout

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. Heck of a round today. That was a difficult day in that wind. Just how special was that round for you to shoot 67 today?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, I mean, it obviously started off well with a 40-footer on the first hole. I knew it was going to be tough today, so I just said to myself, just try to keep it simple, just try to hit the greens, give yourself putts. The greens at Muirfield are so pure, if you read it well and start it well you can make a lot of putts, and that's what I did today. Obviously from off the green as well on No. 6 was a bonus. Normally, if you shoot a special round like that things have to go your way in the round, and it did and, yeah, I'm happy with the round today.

Q. Now that you finished early and the rest of the field is still going to have to deal with these conditions which look like the wind's going to get a little stronger in the afternoon, how do you feel about your position right now and where do you think you'll be at the end of the day?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, I mean, I would hope inside the top 10 at least. I mean, like I say, the wind is going to pick up a little bit more and it really blew quite a bit. Yeah, I just think if you can take advantage of the downwind holes where you can push the ball up there, softer greens as well, then you can make a score. Then just keep grinding for those holes that are into the wind.

Q. Would you say this is one of the better putting rounds of your career?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: A hundred percent, yeah. I mean, like I said earlier, I haven't had a putting round like this for awhile. Like yesterday wasn't my best putting round at all. I think I lost like two and a half strokes on the field putting yesterday. It was nice to see the ball go in for a change and post a low number.

Q. Can you kind of describe the challenge of playing with the wind, because it's obviously not a steady wind, it goes up and down. How do you kind of, when you're setting up for a shot, account for the wind at that moment, or is it a bit of a guessing game?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, I mean, there's definitely certain shots that as soon as you hit it the wind just dies down and it flies 10 yards further. But that's going to happen to everybody, no one is excepted. You just try to execute every shot as well as you can and accept the outcome. Sometimes that's what happens. It happened to me on 12. I flew the green by 15 yards. So it is what it is and we just accept it. There are going to be bogeys and double bogeys made today with this wind and how this course is playing, so, yeah, just accept it and move on.

Q. Compared to like heat and rain and cold, is wind the toughest to deal with, because it is so variable?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, a hundred percent. I would much rather play in 110 degrees and humidity than a three-club wind. Especially on Muirfield. I mean, it's already a difficult course without wind, so it just made it harder for us.

Q. Are you looking forward to watching them kind of suffer with it and you can sit back?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, I'm going to definitely sit on my couch at home now and watch the coverage and laugh a little. But, yeah, I mean, there's two more rounds to go and hopefully I can just keep my position and do my best over the weekend.

Q. The qualifying for the Olympics is almost completed and you're in pretty good position, obviously with South Africa. How much are you looking forward to getting to Paris?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's obviously a huge honor representing your country in any way, but at the Olympics it's one of the highest levels that we play and it only happens every four years. I actually played it in Japan as well and it was an unbelievable experience. Yeah, I'm looking forward to this one as well and hopefully I can be bring back a medal for the country.

Q. How different do you think the experience will be in Paris compared to Japan during COVID?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, I mean, we obviously didn't have any spectators and stuff around, which was pretty -- of course, Japan is such a great country, they love their golf -- but yeah, in Paris it's going to be great. I have played that golf course on the European Tour. It's a strong golf course. It's a long golf course. So I'm sure they're going to put it you know, set it up well for us.

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