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June 7, 2024

Jason Day

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess the day?

JASON DAY: It was a tough day out there today. I just haven't been happy with my iron play as of late. It's frustrating because I feel like I'm giving myself opportunities on the fairways, and then I just hit some poor iron shots. But it's kind of hard because when you're here, I feel like here and Augusta, you can't really, when it's windy, there's no bailout anywhere, it's really difficult to find an easy up-and-down and you can't really find that here. The rough is really thick here this week. Greens, we've had nice weather coming into this week, and greens are firm and fast, and that's what the test is supposed to be. So, yeah, it's a little stressful, frustrating when you just don't have the, your best stuff, especially coming into the greens. Because this is a second shot golf course and when you're not hitting good second shots it's hard.

Q. How bad is the wind?

JASON DAY: It's difficult. I hit 6-iron on 12, probably hit one club too much, that's definitely not a 6-iron hole, not in this wind today. But it's just gusting and moving. I can't remember what the sustained was, I think right around when we finished it's like sustained at 18, gusting all the way up to 30, 30 plus. That's at like a hundred feet that -- most golf balls go about a hundred feet, a little bit higher. So, it's difficult when, like 18, for instance, you watch the weather clock on top of the clubhouse and it's moving like back and forth, back and forth, so you got to try and hit on the right gust.

Q. Did you stay in your driveway? Is that right?

JASON DAY: Yeah, that's correct. I do that every year now just because I feel like -- my bed is only 50 yards away, so my -- actually, my wife suggested that a few years ago, actually right around before COVID in 2020. I played great the year that we had the COVID, the two tournaments here. Then that kind of has carried on since then.

I just get a little bit better structure in my routine and my preparation. When I'm staying at home I'm just a little bit too relaxed and I'm like going to the house, going to the bus, and I'm like all over the shop. So I just stay on the bus.

Q. You were T-4, I think. That was the first year you did it?

JASON DAY: Yeah, I believe so. Yeah. It's quite nice. Sometimes I'll stay over here, like near the golf course, but I just stay on the bus at home. It's kind of funny.

Q. Make your own meals in the bus?

JASON DAY: Yeah, yeah, make my own breakfast -- well, Ellie made me breakfast yesterday and brought it to the bus, so I'm very, very blessed to have a wife like that. But, yeah, I make all my meals there. Everything is the same. Try and treat it as a tournament.

Q. That's what you do when you travel, too?

JASON DAY: Yeah. So that's -- the idea is just like trying to keep everything as simple as possible. It's kind of strange, like it typically, like if you have team events or you're in a team sport, like your home court advantage is usually pretty big. You play well at home, you got the fans and everything. For me it's just, I feel like it's a bit of a distraction. This course doesn't really set up for me, I've always kind of felt uncomfortable around this golf course, even though I played here a ton.

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