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June 7, 2024

Keegan Bradley

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice way to emphasize it there on 18 with a solid round. It looked like it was tough out there. You played really, really well, but kind of how would you assess the conditions?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it's always tough out here at Memorial, but today was extra tough. I'm really -- it's one of the best rounds I've played all year.

Q. You said that at Colonial too. What made this one maybe better than some of the rounds you played there?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Just the start that I got off to, I was 2-over after 3. When you play a course like this or like a U.S. Open-type course and you're way over par early, it's really tough to gain shots back and get back to even par. I just stayed calm, stayed steady, and I really played great the rest of the way.

Q. Played well at Charles Schwab, now playing well here. After maybe kind of a lull in the middle of the season, what has kind of clicked for you?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I'm putting it way better than I was. I'm putting it more like I did last year. I'm driving the ball much better. Just everything was kind of stale in that middle part of the year, then I started to putt a lot better and that sort of can kick everything into gear.

Q. Was there a putting tweak or a mindset tweak or anything that kind of helped it not be stale?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: No, just regular golf crap, just like the ball wasn't going in that hole. So I just kept working hard with Phil Kenyon and hopefully if you're doing the right stuff, it turns.

Q. Was it mostly the wind today that made it difficult?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, the wind, the rough, the greens are firming up. It's a real test out there. It's tough. The bunkers here are so tough too. You have to make sure you miss it in the right spot and try not to make any big, big numbers.

Q. Does a test like this this week prepare you -- I know the courses are completely different -- but prepare for the mental test that will come next week?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: You just have to be careful because this is going to be such a grind on the brain and the body. So, it's really tough courses back-to-back weeks, so going to try to conserve as much energy as I can, but it's going to be a tough weekend.

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