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June 7, 2024

Brittany Lincicome

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Brittany Lincicome. A nice bogey-free day out there, the first round of the ShopRite LPGA. This is your 11th appearance here at Seaview.

BRITTANY LINCICOME: That's it? I thought it would've been like 20.

Q. Yeah. Overall, what is it like coming to this place and being able to come out with a good start like today?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Yeah, it's a place that I've won at before so I have a lot of good memories. It's not a long hitters' course really. It's kind of shorter. But you just got to take advantage of the par-5s. Seemed like one of those really easy days where I couldn't do anything wrong.

I switched putters and today was my first day, tournament day. Every like 50-footer felt like a two-footer. Every putt was going in. It was one of those really easy days, so we'll see how tomorrow goes.

Hopefully with the new putter and the good vibes of a golf course that I played well at before, hopefully we can keep it going.

Q. What's it like to come back to place you won before in this way and feel comfortable?


Q. I know you're going through the changes like you said in your putter. To know that you're coming back to a course that you done well at, it's got to give that kind of confidence this summer.

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Oh, for sure. They used to have our pictures up on a board up here on the left of 1. That was cool to reflect on a good memory. It's great. That ShopRite always takes care of us so well. Both my girls are here. We have a great time. We are staying down in Ocean City. We go to this amusement park on the Boardwalk almost every night and spend so much money just to let them ride rides.

It's a great place to be and town to come to. It's one I don't miss, so I'm shocked I haven't been here more.

Q. They're lucky to have you.


Q. As you talked about kind of the changes to your putter, but being able to hole the 50-footers, what was maybe on of the longest putts out there today you were able to get in?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Shoot, it was probably 30, 40 feet, and even like 20-footers to save par were going in.

Happy that I switched. It's the Odyssey Jailbird. Just it's maybe one of those things where you just needed a change, and that was what I need to kind of get over the hump of not playing well.

I feel like I've been so close the last couple weeks. Right on the bubble, missing the cut by one most weeks. So it was nice to get out there and get a round under par. Hopefully we keep it going and see what we can do the next two days.

Q. Do you ever feel like there is a little extra pressure out here being an assistant Solheim captain, like knowing up you have you have to watch out for other things on the course?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Yeah, for sure. If it's not by two daughters at home, being an assistant captain, there is a lot happening. And still trying to play good golf. I am obviously getting closer to retirement, and I feel like I still have it. Still feel like I'm that 19 year old that came out on tour 20 years ago now. I can't believe I'm saying that.

So cool to be out here and playing a game that I love and having a good day. This is wonderful.

Q. What I like about this course the most and that I like to pick people's brains about the closing par-5s on 9 and if you're starting on 10, you're finishing on a par-5.


Q. Finishing on 18, it's the same way. How unique is that for this kind of event and also to have that as a scorable reachable chance?

BRITTANY LINCICOME: Sure. Both were dead into today so wasn't sure I was going to be able to get to either one of them. The last I got really close, and the other one I was just like 20 yards short.

It's cool to have two par-5s. Anything can happen coming down the stretch. I'm staring at a turtle right now. I think that was probably the highlight of my day, was just watching all the turtles. They're so cute. I don't know if they're laying their eggs or what's happening.

Back to the other par-5s, it's great. Anything can happen coming down the stretch, and I love that about the game.

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