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June 7, 2024

Wei-Ling Hsu

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Wei-Ling Hsu. Walk me through what was working so well for you on this first day.

WEI-LING HSU: Everything been good, especially my front nine. I play really well on my iron game. Just put myself a lot of opportunity for like shorter putts, like something like five feet, six feet in front. So I make six birdie in the front.

Overall I really like today's rounds. Back nine the wind picked up little bit so I just tried to stay patient.

Q. What is it about the front nine that you think you can really close in on your iron game when it comes to getting that proximity dialed in?

WEI-LING HSU: A little bit mindset, because usually like the first round of the first nine hole I kind of be careful and thinking little too much; try to be perfect.

But started today, I kept telling myself that like you doing great. Just need to trust yourself and just no layup, just go for it.

So I trust every shot I make, every decision that I make, so I think that really worked out.

Q. Like you said, six birdies on the front; only two pars on your front nine. You had four birdies in the five holes before you made the turn. What is it about just kind of being able to be aggressive is an advantage on this course?

WEI-LING HSU: I think especially front nine there is a couple opportunity hole. Like it's not like long hole. It's kind of be short, so I kind of just try to put it middle of the fairway.

Even though I only hit few fairway today, but like a lot of shot are like inside 100 yard so I -- even though I wanted to be aggressive, but at the same point, I feel like what's the best option for me to get it close to the hole?

So I think I done a -- like I commit the shot very well in the front nine.

Q. Coming off T24 finish at the U.S. Women's Open, what did you take away from your game? And of course that was exhausting for a lot of players out there.

WEI-LING HSU: Well, I take so many thing from last week. It was amazing for me. Even though I didn't end up the weekend I was hoping, but still so many positive and so much learned, especially like trusting myself and like being focused on my shot.

And as people can see on TV coverage, there are so many hole that you can go at the target, at the pin, so you have to just commit your shot and trusting what you have.

That's what I've been telling myself. Like, hey, this is what the target I want. I just need to move the ball.

It's not like I try to hitting into the hole every single shot. So I really learn a lot from that, so I think I that probably help me out a lot today.

Q. Especially after the front nine performance that you had, what are you looking to take from a round like this heading into technically moving day tomorrow?

WEI-LING HSU: Hopefully we always chase for the winning, and at the same time, I learn so much last week. Some thing you just can't control the outcome. What you can do is at the moment try your best. It is what it is. Take it and forget every bad thing and just move on.

Yeah, I don't really have any target this -- any goal this week. Just see how low I can shoot every day.

Q. Are you playing a bunch in a row?

WEI-LING HSU: Yeah, I'm going to play all the way to Dow so far. Evian, try to take everything.

Q. Are you one of those if you're playing good golf you want to keep the momentum going?

WEI-LING HSU: I still really want to play Olympic actually so I kind of working on it. Especially like this is three-day event and a little bit easier than the other.

Meijer is always my favorite event.

Of course KPMG my favorite event, too.

So it's just really hard for me to take something off. I was like, might as well just keep playing.

Q. It could be exhausting for some players.

WEI-LING HSU: I think just a little bit part of mindset. You know that's coming and you're ready for it.

Q. How hard is it to push the Olympics goal out of your mind when you're trying to play a tournament?

WEI-LING HSU: I used to push myself really hard like before maybe Chevron. I really wanted to able to represented Taiwan.

At the same point, I felt I was pushing too hard and I'm not learning. I'm kind of just like every day you go back home and I'm being sad and I didn't do well.

Got to a point I feel like what I need to do is just learn every day and try my best. If I make it, great. If I don't, then at least I learn something.

So I think that's just my attitude for now, to like chasing for Olympic.

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