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June 7, 2024

Rachel Kuehn

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Rachel, nice little birdie finish there to get to I believe 5-under on this day.


Q. What's it like being a sponsor's invite this week at the ShopRite LPGA Classic?

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, it was great. I kind of got off to a bumpy start. Started bogey, bogey and just knew there were going to be birdie opportunities out there, so stayed patient. Got lucky holing out from the fairway on 13, so that kind of kick started me.

And then just like really took advantage of the par-5s. Saw a couple go in outside of that. Overall played really solid. Kept it in play and stayed really patient.

Q. Have you ever played this golf course before?


Q. Never?


Q. From someone who may not have seen it before, this is a scorable place.


Q. Feels like anything can happen. When you start off bogey, bogey, did you get that out of the mind? You said you knew there were opportunities out there. How do you mentally reset?

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, I think it's hard. I think it helped like I played on the golf course a couple times earlier in the week. I knew if I was driving it nicely -- you know, it's not particularly long, so, yeah, I think like you said, just hitting the reset button on 12 tee.

Again, it helped to hole one out too to get back to even par, but overall really happy and proud of myself for staying in it. It would've been easy to get really frustrated early. I probably would've done that a couple years ago, so proud of how I've matured in that sense. Happy to play well today.

Q. How far was the hole-out?

RACHEL KUEHN: 136 yards.

Q. All right.

RACHEL KUEHN: Hit a 9-iron.

Q. Nice. Coming into this event, this is a big summer for you and just in general.


Q. How are you approaching an event like this?

RACHEL KUEHN: I think I'm using this as a gauge to kind of test where my game stands with the best players in the world.

Again, my plan is to turn professional later in the fall, so this is kind of my last summer to enjoy amateur golf. Don't get me wrong, but to get everything in order for the possibility of playing professional golf.

So I had a great pairing today. They were such nice girls. Feel like I'm kind of picking everyone's brain and soaking in as much information as I can so I can learn? The ropes so that way when I hopefully get out here I hit the ground running.

Q. Who is the one player you go to the most out here? I know you've gone to Kupcho before. Wake Forest connection. In general, if there is a player or two that's given you the best advice?

RACHEL KUEHN: I feel like it's been a little bit of everyone, to be honest with you. I try not to pepper one person with too many questions. I kind of spread them out. Caroline Inglis in particular has been so sweet to me. There is never a question she turns down.

So I've been really thankful for her and she's been really nice to me. It's sometimes not the easiest to be super kind to an amateur out here, but she's always been amazing.

Q. I know you and Alex I feel like were on the course at the same time today.


Q. Both of you going low on your days.

RACHEL KUEHN: Yeah, I think he played well. Finished just before I went off, so got to talk to him very, very briefly. I'm excited to talk to him. Cheering him on.

My best friend too is playing in that same event, so it's been fun following that scores.

Q. Who would that be?

RACHEL KUEHN: Lauren Walsh. What a G.

Q. What do you take from a round like this going into tomorrow?

RACHEL KUEHN: I was really happy with my ball striking. You know, it's been a little bit of an up and down year for me, and I feel like in the last couple months my ball striking has trended a little bit.

If nothing else, I'm taking confidence from that. I've struggled reading poa greens as well. Kevin and I did a really good job of that today, so I think that's also a little bit of a confidence booster.

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