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June 7, 2024

Nasa Hataoka

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Nasa. Very fun day for your group. Three birdies to start off your day. How are you feeling after day one?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, on putting green I feel really good. I switch my putter from last week, and it was kind of challenging for me.

(Smiling.) But it works good.

Q. What was the putter switch?

NASA HATAOKA: From (indiscernible) shaft to regular shaft and I switch my grip. I used to hitting close hand, but normal grip right now.

Q. We talked walking here, this course is scorable. What do you think it is about this course that suits well for you specifically?

NASA HATAOKA: You know, still I have to focus on my tee shot line, and some greens is really small, so I'm trying to get on the middle of the green and hopefully make the chance from like 20 feet.

Q. You also played with Arpichaya today who almost had a 59. Did you notice her game at all or were you just locked in on your own?

NASA HATAOKA: Of course I was watching her game and she play really solid, but I was focus on my game as well. She play really good and we play together first time, and she's very nice player.

Q. What was it like on 18? I think didn't you have a ball in the grass?


Q. How do you find it?

NASA HATAOKA: You know, Japanese camera guy finally find it. We were thinking almost I have to go back to the like same spot, second shot, but he find it and I'm trying to save the par and I hit really nice putt.

Q. How long was the putt?

NASA HATAOKA: It's about 15 feet.

Q. Okay.


Q. How do you change your approach on a course like this where you figure scores are going to be low? Do you have to go out and be more aggressive, particularly in a three-day event?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, of course I have to be aggressive next two days and hopefully getting better.

Q. What did you think about the course setup? A lot of the holes seemed to be right in the middle of the greens. Is that accurate?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, I think the course conditioning is pretty good, and, yeah. It's pretty good.

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